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  • Jay Trachsel 2:22 pm on August 6, 2022 Permalink  

    Tri V Steak Roast The Tri V Steak… 

    Tri V Steak Roast
    The Tri V Steak Roast will be held on Saturday August 27th at Jeff and Karens home (5262 Parview Drive Clarkston). They will plan to eat around 4:30 and swimming is available at 2:30 for anyone who would like to come earlier. Bring your own drinks, plates and eating utensils.


    Jeff at 248-249-2921

  • Jay Trachsel 2:18 pm on August 6, 2022 Permalink  

    Tri V Picnic 2022 The Tri V picnic… 

    Tri V Picnic 2022

    The Tri V picnic was held on July 17th at Rotary Park in Livonia. There were 22 adults (10 club members and 1 prospective member) and 12 kids in attendance. Lunch was pot luck and there was plenty of food for all tastes. It was good seeing many of the members I don’t get to see on a regular basis again. After the meal we divided the kids into three teams of 3 for games. There were 4 team games and a kid’s team water balloon toss then a kids and adult water balloon toss. As normal the kids really like the water balloon toss games. Each team member of the winning team games got $2.00 and each team won at least 1 game. The water balloon toss games the winning team received $2.00 each 2nd place team got $1.00 each. The adults receive zip. The total prize money payout amounted to $34.00. The cost of balloons and suckers which were passed out totaled $50.00 and the pavilion rental was $100.00 for a total of $150.00.The budget was $150.00 another break even event.
    In Attendance
    Jay and Liz Trachsel with Jayme ,Levon andGabi
    Brian and Jane Trachsel
    Mike Trachsel
    Dave and Kim Burke with Lee Burke, Matthew and Nick
    Matt and Christine Hoffman with Timothy and Abigale
    Bill Trachsel with Julia and Joey
    George and Peg Hoffman
    Cal and Jan Cashman
    Nick Angelosanto
    Judy Lardin
    Eric and Tierney Hoffman with William and Malcom
    Prospective – Scotty and Michele Powals

  • Jay Trachsel 11:30 am on July 18, 2022 Permalink  

    If you are planning on attending please let… 

    If you are planning on attending, please let Jeff know ASAP

    Tri V Steak Roast info.

    The Tri V Steak Roast will be held on Saturday August 27th at Jeff and Karens home (5262 Parview Drive Clarkston). They will plan to eat around 4:30 and swimming is available at 2:30 for anyone who would like to come earlier. Bring your own drinks, plates and eating utensils. Please call Jeff at 248-249-2921 if you are planning on coming so he can order the steaks.

  • Jay Trachsel 12:47 pm on July 15, 2022 Permalink  

    Tri V Steak Roast The Tri V Steak… 

    Tri V Steak Roast
    The Tri V Steak Roast will be held on Saturday August 27th at Jeff and Karens home (5262 Parview Drive Clarkston). They will plan to eat around 4:30 and swimming is available at 2:30 for anyone who would like to come earlier. Bring your own drinks, plates and eating utensils. Please call Jeff at 248-249-2921 if you are planning on coming so he can order the steaks.

  • Jay Trachsel 1:04 pm on July 11, 2022 Permalink  

    PICNIC REMINDER The Tri V picnic is scheduled… 

    The Tri V picnic is scheduled for July 17th at Rotary Park in Livonia. Plan on arriving around 12:30 and we will eat approximately 1:00. Bring a dish to share plus your own beverage’s plates, silverware, napkins, etc we will have an alcohol permit for the day. Kids
    games will follow the meal. Committee jay Trachsel, Matt Hoffman, Eric Hoffman

  • Brian Trachsel 12:14 am on July 9, 2022 Permalink  

    Correction Tri V Anniversary Party The Tri V… 

    Tri V Anniversary Party

    The Tri V Anniversary Party is scheduled for Saturday September 10 2022. The evening will begin with an optional tour of the Ford Piquette Plant. The Piquette Plant is the home of the Model T. There are several of the rare Model T’s on display. The plant has many of the original wooden floors which may be worn and uneven. The tour will begin at 2:30 and end at 4p.m. the cost is $12 per person.
    Dinner will be at the unique Detroit Shipping Company. This urban-chic hub contains 6 restaurants, bar’s, a art museum and a stage. We will be seated in our own container and can choose from any of the restaurants for our dinner. For you admission you will receive a coupon for 1 drink and 1 dinner. Our dinner reservation is at 5pm. Dinner cost will be approx. $35 per person.
    Please let the committee know if you plan to attend the tour or dinner or both. We need to complete our reservations soon so please let us know by July 25th.

    Correction—The Date is the 10th, and the name of the restaurant is The Detroit Shipping Company.

    John Mackson
    Jack Schaefer
    Brian Trachsel

  • Brian Trachsel 2:01 pm on July 8, 2022 Permalink  

    Tri V Anniversary Party The Tri V Anniversary… 

    Tri V Anniversary Party

    The Tri V Anniversary Party is scheduled for Saturday September 9, 2022. The evening will begin with an optional tour of the Ford Piquette Plant. The Piquette Plant is the home of the Model T. There are several of the rare Model T’s on display. The plant has many of the original wooden floors which may be worn and uneven. The tour will begin at 3:30 and end at 4p.m. the cost is $12 per person.
    Dinner will be at the unique Detroit Container Company. This urban-chic hub contains 6 restaurants, bar’s, an art museum and a stage. We will be seated in our own container and can choose from any of the restaurants for our dinner. For you admission you will receive a coupon for 1 drink and 1 dinner. Our dinner reservation is at 5pm. Dinner cost will be approx. $35 per person.
    Please let the committee know if you plan to attend the tour or dinner or both. We need to complete our reservations soon so please let us know by July 25th.

    John Mackson
    Jack Schaefer
    Brian Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 12:17 pm on June 27, 2022 Permalink  

    The Tri V picnic is scheduled for July… 

    The Tri V picnic is scheduled for July 17th at Rotary Park in Livonia. Plan on arriving around 12:30 and we will eat approximately 1:00. Bring a dish to share plus your own beverage’s plates, silverware, napkins, etc we will have an alcohol permit for the day. Kids
    games will follow the meal. Committee jay Trachsel, Matt Hoffman, Eric Hoffman

  • Jay Trachsel 10:05 am on June 6, 2022 Permalink  

    The Tri V picnic is scheduled for July… 

    The Tri V picnic is scheduled for July 17th at Rotary Park in Livonia. Plan on arriving around 12:30 and we will eat approximately 1:00. Bring a dish to share plus your own beverage’s plates, silverware, napkins, etc we will have an alcohol permit for the day. Kids
    games will follow the meal. Committee jay Trachsel, Matt Hoffman, Eric Hoffman

  • Jay Trachsel 11:32 am on May 9, 2022 Permalink  

    The Tri V picnic is scheduled for July… 

    The Tri V picnic is scheduled for July 17th at Rotary Park in Livonia. Plan on arriving around 12:30 and we will eat approximately 1:00. Bring a dish to share plus your own beverage’s plates, silverware, napkins, etc we will have an alcohol permit for the day. Kids
    games will follow the meal. Committee jay Trachsel, Matt Hoffman, Eric Hoffman

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