November President’s Message

If you have turned on a TV in the past month or so then chances are good you are just about tired of all the political ads. Well I have good news for you, they are all about to go away. This Tuesday is not just another Tri-V meeting day followed by bowling, it is the single most important day in America. Make sure to get to the polls and cast your vote (like so many dead Floridians). If you haven’t yet found property in Canada, you are really running out of time.

Last month we had the October stag event at Drakshire Lanes in Farmington. There was dinner, pool, beer, and poker. Surprisingly there was no bowling (which made it more enjoyable). This weekend the November edition of marbles will be going down. Followed by the November social next weekend. I believe there may be pinochle in there somewhere too. November is quite the busy month.

At the meeting next week I will hand out the first draft of the committee assignments. If there is a committee you know you cannot serve on please let me know; especially if you will not be at the meeting. Committee assignments will be posted to the website once they are finalized.