Updates from October, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • John Lardin 4:13 pm on October 14, 2018 Permalink  


    The Lardins

    John’s chemo was delayed a week because of a sore from the last treatment. He will receive chemo on Tue. the 2nd of Oct. and get disconnected on Thur. the 4th. Plans call for them to leave that day for Texas to celebrate granddaughters Christine’s 14th birthday. Hard to imagine she is that old already. John gas been released from outpatient therapy and has a list of exercises to do at home four days a week. John has started to sing a golf club and has hopes of getting in a round before heading to Florida in Jan. They have made several trips to the Casino and will see Paul Anka on Oct. 17th and Paula Abdul on Oct. 25th. Again John ask you to continue to remember him and all members of the TRI-V Family in your prayers. THEY DO WORK.

  • John Lardin 10:49 pm on September 9, 2018 Permalink  


    With September being the month we celebrate Grandparents Day we wend this of our Grandmas in Tri-V. Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. The child asked God, “They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?” God replied, “Among the angels, I’ll choose one for you. Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.” The child further inquired, “But tell me, here in heaven I don’t have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.” God Said, “Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel the angel’s love and be very happy.” Again the child asked, “And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don’t know the language?” God said, “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words that you will ever hear, and with much patience and care your angel will teach you how to speak.” I’ve heard that on Earth there are bad people. Who will protect me? “God said, “Your angel will defend you even it means risking its life.” At the moment there was much peace in heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, “God, if I am to leave now please tell me my angel’s name.” God replied, “Her name is not important. You will simply call her “GRANDMA.”

  • John Lardin 7:59 pm on September 9, 2018 Permalink  



    Things are getting busy for Judy and John. John continues with his therapy through the end of September as well as his chemo every other week. Squeeze into that a couple of trips to Windsor Casino as well as planning a trip to Texas to celebrate granddaughter Christine’s birthday the first week of October for three or four days. Other than that we are doing nothing. John still has hopes of being ready to play golf this year before going to Florida the first of the year. John thanks all for their continued prayers, not only for him but all members of the TRI-V Family. Please continue with them as THEY DO WORK.

  • John Lardin 4:13 pm on August 12, 2018 Permalink  

    John Lardin Update 


    John is still doing outpatient therapy for his right hip. He’s hoping to be able to play golf later this fall. John restarted chemo treatments July 10. John had to be off chemo two weeks prior to surgery and four weeks after surgery. The chemo treatments are now done at the hospital which makes for a longer day—get admitted as a short stay and usually there six hours or longer. When they administered at the cancer center, took about four hours. Beaumont/Botsford is hoping to build an Infusion Center, thus the change.

    John and Judy have tickets for “Toto” and Ron White, comedian, Paula Abdul, Paul Anka, and Lord of the Rings at Caesar’s in Windsor. Judy says “too much”.

    We ask you to remember all those in Tri-V and anyone else who may need our prayers. Prayers do work.

  • John Lardin 7:25 pm on July 8, 2018 Permalink  


    John Lardin Update

    John would like to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts, and cards with the passing of his sister, Pat. All were greatly appreciated.

    June has been a busy month for Judy and John. John had hip surgery on June 4th followed by therapy 3days a week at home and now outpatient therapy 3days a week for a minimum of 4 weeks. Because of surgery John did not have chemo since his last session in April in Florida. The doctor told John that chemo only stays in your body for two months so a cat scan was order. The cat scan was July 6th—we believe the tumor stayed the same—great news. John should start chemo again on July 10th, we hope—waiting to hear from doctor for appointment.

    Judy’s sister, niece and friend are coming to visit the weekend of July 20th. In the meantime Judy continues to assist her neighbor who is 93 years old. On June 23rd the neighbor fell out of bed at 2 am and Judy found her the next morning at 11:30 am. EMS was called and she was taken to St. Mary Hospital, admitted as outpatient, transferred her to Marywood Rehab. June 27th. She has a shoulder fracture but at this time does not want surgery. Judy is feeding her fish, paying bills, doing laundry, etc. Busy, busy.

    Please continue to pray for all who are suffering (PRAYERS DO WORK).

  • John Lardin 7:41 pm on June 10, 2018 Permalink  

    John Lardin updates 

    Larry and Kim Lardin closed on their home in Corpus Christi, TX. After completing many updates, they will move in sometime in July.

    John had his hip surgery on June 4, came out of recovery at 12:30 p.m., had him up walking by 3:30 p.m. The next day he went up and down 14 steps. John came home June 5–we got home at 1 p.m. John’s older sister, Patricia Evans, passed away early the morning of June 5. John and Judy saw her on Saturday prior to John’s surgery–not sure she even knew we were there. John did make it to her funeral which was held on Friday, June 8–long trip and exhausting for him but he has since recovered.

    John will have home nurse visits one or two times a week and has in home therapy 3 times a week, Mon., Wed., and Fri. The therapist will also see him on June 25 prior to John’s doctor appointment with surgeon on June 26 at which time he will be released for outpatient therapy.

    On the bright side Windsor Casino has settled their labor dispute and John is looking forward to seeing Yanni on June 29 and hopefully John will be golfing soon.

    We thank you for all your prayers, cards, phone calls, and visits. Please continue with the prayers. THEY DO WORK. Once John sees the surgeon, he will contact oncologist to determine when John should start chemo again.

  • John Lardin 8:49 pm on May 13, 2018 Permalink  



    We have printed this before but feel it is worth repeating with all the new Mothers we have in TRI-V the last couple of years.

    … And God Created A Mother

    When the Good Lord was creating mothers, he was into his sixth day of overtime when the angel appeared and said “You’re doing a lot of fiddling around on this one…Six pairs of hands? No Way!”

    “It’s not the hands that are causing me problems,” said the Lord. “It’s the three pairs of eyes…one pair that sees through closed doors when she asks,”What are u kids doing in there?…Another here in the back of her head that sees what she shouldn’t but what she has to know. And, of course, the ones here in the front that can look at a child who goofs up and says, “I understand and I love you.” without so much as uttering a word…”

    The angel circled the model very slowly “It’s too soft,” she sighed.

    “But tough!” said the Lord excitedly. You cannot imagine what this mother can do or endure.

    “Can it think?”

    “Not only can it think, but it can reason and compromise and dream,” said the Creator.

    Finally the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. “There’s a leak,” she pronounced. “I told you you were trying to put too much into the model.”

    “It’s not a leak,” said the Lord. “It’s a tear.”

    “What’s it for?”

    “It’s for joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, loneliness and pride.”

    “You’re a genius,” said the angel.

    The Lord looked somber. “I didn’t put it there.”

  • John Lardin 7:16 pm on May 13, 2018 Permalink  

    13 May, 2018 19:16 


    As reported last month the weather in Florida this year had to be the best in the over 10 years we have been going and the return trip back to Michigan was also one of the best trips back. On the return John has a cat scan and saw the cancer Dr. and the heart Dr. The cat can showed that the tumor had decreased from 21cm. in April. He had his defibrillator checked and no reported incidents. The heart Dr. gave John and ekg and all reports were good. Next trip was to the hip Dr. to replace the left hip which is giving John more and more pain. Bottom line is chemo and heart Drs. gave the ok for the hip surgery. Originally hip Dr. wanted to replace hip on May 6th but Judy said too much going on so replacement is scheduled for June 4th at Botsford (Beaumont) Hospital. The bad side of all the above is the last chemo treatment was April 11th in Florida and cannot get treatment until six weeks after the hip surgery. Hopefully will not have a negative effect on the tumor. Before the surgery Judy, Vickie, Jacquie, Marion and Kate will be making an overnight trip to Shipsapwana Indiana and Judy and John will be making a long weekend trip to visit family in Texas. Speaking of Texas, Larry and Kim purchased a home in a suburb of Corpus Christi. A four bedroom, 2700 square feet, half acre of land which gives Judy and John their bedroom back. Other than that nothing exciting happening..I continue to thank you for your prayers and please continue them not only for me but the rest of the TRI-V Family in need of them as well as family and friends.

  • John Lardin 11:54 am on April 8, 2018 Permalink  

    8 April, 2018 11:54 


    By the time you read this Judy and I will be back home. John received his final chemo treatment in Ft. Myers on Mon. the 9th and will get disconnected on Wed. the 11th and will leave immediately from the doctor’s office for home. Upon our return John will see the chemo Doctor to see what is next. A cat scan will be scheduled to see if the tumor has changed at all and also discussion on having the left hip replaced as soon as possible. With the weather being as it is in MI it is hard to leave FL but Judy is excited to get back home. Of the 10 years we have been coming to Ft. Myers I think weather wise this has been one of the bets. First there was very little rain. Two weeks in Jan and two weeks in March the temp was in the low to mid 70s and the remaining weeks it was a high on Feb. 5th of 81 and every day since then the high has been the mid 80s to 90 every day. Fortunately we have the same condo next year so we are fortunate there as each year it is gets harder and harder to find a place to rent for three months. Until we see all soon please, please continue your prayers not only for me but all the TRI-V Family as well as our immediate family and friends. THEY DO WORK


  • John Lardin 3:36 pm on March 11, 2018 Permalink  

    11 March, 2018 15:36 


    The month of Feb. is long gone but has been the warmest Florida has ever had. Starting with Feb. 5th through March 2nd our high temp was 81 for one day and the rest of the month in the mid 80s and hitting 90 twice. March has started out with the temps in the mid to high 70s so far. Busy the whole month with the Cashmans, Andersons an Angelosanto (for 11 days.) My chemo treatment was switched a week later because the blood plate was so low. This has caused our return scheduled home to possibly change from the first week of April to the second week. Still have plans to get left hip replaced upon our return. Judy was in her glory flying home to pick up Alyssa for six days and when she returned her home she dropped her off at Metro Airport and got back on a plane six hours to return back to Ft. Myers. She is a trooper. Hard to imagine it is March 10th already and in a month being back in MI. This wraps up another info report on our comings and goings. Overall health has been good. Please, please continue with your prayers not only for me but all your family, friends and fellow TRI-V Members. THANK YOU JOHN

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