Updates from January, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • David Burke 12:22 am on January 10, 2017 Permalink  

    From The Burkes 

    Happy new year from the Burke family!

    P.S. See how easy it is to insert pictures into your articles???

  • John Lardin 10:07 pm on January 3, 2017 Permalink  


    So happy that report that prayers do work. I finished my six months of chemo on Dec. 14th. To refresh your memory I had a Cat Scan in Sep. (three months into treatment) and the cancer in the liver was stable, good news. Had another Cat Scan after the completion of six months of chemo on Dec. 22nd and got the results on Jan. 3rd. The good news is the tumor in the liver has decreased by 31% since Sep. Will continue with chemo every two weeks but not as strong a dose while Judy and I are in FL and have another Cat Scan when we return before Easter. I cried when the Dr. gave me the good news. I would have been happy to just have him tell me it was still stable. YOUR PRAYERS DO WORK. I ask you to please continue with them and be sure to include “little” Brother Nick and HIS Bride Vicikie also. This is what TRI-V is about. As I sign off the memories each month “Until we see you next month, THE GOOD LORD WILLING, TAKE CARE OF ONE ANOTHER.

  • Victoria Angelosanto 5:01 pm on December 3, 2016 Permalink  

    We would like to wish all our Tri-V friends a Wonderful Christmas and a 2017 filled with love and peace. As we count our blessings we include ALL of you. Our lives are richer, because of you.
    The Dominic and Victoria Angelosanto Family

  • Cal Cashmann 9:09 pm on December 2, 2016 Permalink  

    Christmas Greeting 

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friends of TRI-V. We feel very blessed to have enjoyed all the activities that were planned by the committees for 2016 and look forward to 2017 and all it has to offer. We truly value our TRI-V friends and the wonderful times we have together.

    Blessings and Love to All

    Cal & Jan Cashman

  • Jack Schaefer 1:37 pm on December 1, 2016 Permalink  

    CHRISTMAS GREETINGS May we all remember to say thank you for the many blessings
    of this past year. We are most blessed to have the great support system of our Tri-V family.
    We wish everyone peace and joy as we enter this new year. Hugs Jack and Jacqui

  • John Lardin 2:04 pm on November 29, 2016 Permalink  


    John started his 11th of 12 chemo treatments on Nov. 28th. His last treatment is scheduled for Dec. 12th and then a cat scan will be taken to determine if the cancer has stayed stable and what treatment will follow. He is getting a cortisone injection under anesthesia with flouroscopy on Dec, 7th in the left hip to hopefully relieve some of the pain. He has been cleared to go to FL and arrangements are being made to continue with any cancer treatment necessary while in FL for the winter. Travel plans include another trip to Corpus Christi on Dec. 1st to celebrate grandsons Jacob birthday and Christmas also. Upon the return FL plans can be made and looks like now they will be leaving the second week of Jan. Again we thank all for the prayers, cards, visits and phone calls. Hard to put into words how special they are.

  • John Lardin 1:54 pm on November 29, 2016 Permalink  


    Another year has gone as we prepare to celebrate the birthday of the Christ Child. As we celebrate this special day let us continue to remember in our prayers and thoughts those TRI-V Members and the extended Family Members we have lost this past year and continue to remember those Members and Family Members still in need or our prayers. MERRY CHRISTMAS TRI-V AND HOPE THE COMING NEW YEAR IS BLESSED FOR ALL.
    Judy and John Lardin

  • John Lardin 3:35 pm on November 9, 2016 Permalink  

    Helene Ryan 

    I was updating my Christmas card list and called Imperial Health Center to see if Helene was still with them. Helene Ryan was 100 years old on February 28 of this year. She is doing well. They could not tell me more because of the Hipa law.


  • John Lardin 4:54 pm on November 1, 2016 Permalink  

    From the Lardins 

    Good news to report on John Lardin’s condition.  The test came back and showed the chemo was working.  The cancer in the liver was stable and that is good news.  Your prayers are working and ask that you still continue with them.  According to the Dr. the cancer is stage four and will always have it.  The chemo treatment is six months long and should be done in Dec. 2016.  If things remain positive I might be put on a maintenance program that might result in just taking a pill.  Judy and John made a trip to Corpus Christi TX to celebrate granddaughters Christine birthday leaving Detroit on Wed., the 5th, and returning on Mon., the 10th.  TX is TX with the temp in the 90’s and humidity in the 90’s also.  The flights and connections were good and they had a wheelchair waiting for John to move him around the big Houston Airport.  Next trip is planned for Oct. 25th to Columbus GA to attend the graduation of grandson, Kristian, from Army Boot Camp and return on Oct. 28th.  Depending on John’s condition, another trip the first part of Dec. to celebrate grandson’s Jacob birthday in Corpus Christi TX.  Between the trips and medical issues Judy and John keep pretty busy.  KEEP THOSE PRAYERS COMING FOR JOHN AND OTHERE MEMBERS OF THE TRI-V FAMILY.

  • David Burke 4:31 pm on October 4, 2016 Permalink  


    John had his first cat scan since he started the chemo in June. Unlike a sore knee or cold you have no idea if the chemo is working until you have a cat scan. I am happy to say that the power of prayer does work. The stage 4 cancer in the liver is stable which is great news.

    What if boils down to is the chemo is working and the cancer has not spread further in the liver. The med staff is completely happy. Was told that John will always have the cancer but after the 6 month treatment ending in Dec. they believe he will begin a chemo maintenance treatment that might be just taking a pill. All will be decided after he has another cat scan in Dec. We ask you to continue to remember John in your prayers. THEY DO WORK.

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