Updates from April, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Cal Cashmann 4:28 pm on April 20, 2017 Permalink  

    Anniversary Greeting 

    Happy 80th anniversary to our wonderful friends of TRI-V. It has been a great privilege to be a part of such a great group of people over the years. We have made so many good friends and enjoy all the activities that have always been planned with great care. We are looking forward to the 80th Anniversary Weekend that is coming up in June. Should be a great memory making time.

    Love to All
    Cal & Jan Cashman

  • David Burke 10:46 pm on April 16, 2017 Permalink  

    Happy Easter 

    Happy Easter Tri-V!

    When not attending Good Friday or Easter services and family gatherings, here is what we were doing this weekend.  We spread 5 yards of top soil followed by grass seed over our barren yard.  Hopefully we’ll get some grass to grow!

    P.S. Our website is powered by WordPress and I made this post via the WordPress app.  You can too!  Just download it from the app store and log in to get started!


  • Matt Hoffman 11:06 am on April 15, 2017 Permalink  

    Egg hunt – interesting idea 

    Just attended the Easter egg hunt at Ward church and I may incorporate thier approach. 6 eggs. One in each color of the rainbow. Special gifts inside and tied to the Easter story.

    I am probably just jealous that they did not stuff hundreds of eggs per child and used toys over candy, but I thought it was a good idea. This may become a new tradition for us.

    God bless,

    Matt Hoffman

  • Matt Hoffman 12:46 pm on April 14, 2017 Permalink  

    Easter Traditions 

    As I sit here looking at Facebook seeing colored eggs and many newer Pinterest projects that just make me feel unworthy as a father to my children, I think back to my childhood and wonder what I remember the most. I was surprised at the thoughts? and thought I would share.

    Dressing up and going to church. Where there was an egg hunt.

    Taking a family photo.

    Dinner with family, usually ham, scalloped potatoes and my favorite deviled eggs.

    Life seems to be just getting busier and more about the things of life, rather than relationships. Makes me grateful and appreciative of my extended family,  Tri-V. Hope we are able to share some time together over this weekend. Have a great Easter weekend and please enjoy family in the midst of all the other things. Mine is enjoying watching the family make a rainbow layered Rice Crispy treat using Peeps. Sharing time with you all at the family event and dinner with our family, where the traditions still hold. Bring on the deviled eggs!!!!

    God bless,

    Matt Hoffman


  • Matt Hoffman 7:43 pm on April 11, 2017 Permalink  

    Paper – Hoffman 

    Sitting here at the Tri-V meeting being reminded that we all are falling short of our responsibility as members to share our lives with everyone. Here is my convicted post.

    I was in Germany last week for three days networking and building? my career at Continental. While I was away, my wife and kids got active with her parents and went to the Wisconsin dells.  For those that may not know, the dells are the home for the most waterslides in the world.

    The trips were great fun, but started off with a new van as our old one decided to show a leaky radiator right before departure.

    April is a busy month for us, but we hope to see each of you on Saturday for the family event. For those we do not see, have a Happy Easter.

    Matt Hoffman


  • John Lardin 3:46 pm on April 9, 2017 Permalink  

    Update on John Lardin 

    We left for home from Florida on Sunday, April 2. John and Judy shared the driving. Stayed in Cartersville, GA Sunday evening and got home about 7:30 p.m. on Monday evening. Drive was uneventful except for slow down outside of Atlanta, GA and rain for half of the day Monday.

    John had a doctor appointment on Friday, April 7 and is scheduled for a CAT scan and chemo on Tuesday, April 11. The doctor in Michigan was very pleased with the report from the chemo doctor in Florida.

    No decision on hip surgery until doctor sees CAT scan and hopefully can be determined how soon hip can be done.

    Once again John was not able to play golf in Florida this year. He said his last golf outing was a round in Florida of 2016. John did caddy for Judy (drove golf cart).

    Once again thanks for those prayers but please keep them coming–they work.

  • Brian Trachsel 10:08 pm on April 8, 2017 Permalink  

    Congratulations to Coach Steve Trachsel and his Farmington… 

    Congratulations to Coach Steve Trachsel and his Farmington High School Robotics team on their win in the Livonia Churchill competition this past weekend. Good luck to the Hackbots and Coach Trachsel in the State competition this coming weekend in Saginaw.

  • John Lardin 1:02 pm on March 18, 2017 Permalink  


    Terry Connolly had his right shoulder replaced on February 21. It was called a reverse replacement, which means his motion will be using his deltoid muscle instead of his rotator cuff. It was his third surgery in the last year. Thank goodness he is a quick healer, and is doing well. He is now going to start therapy and should have full use of the shoulder in about three months.

    Son Chris & family were in Bonita Springs visiting Kelly’s dad. We were able to spend an afternoon with them and stayed two nights with Cal and Jan. We also had dinner with Andersons and Lardins then all went to Cashman’s for games. It was great to be with everyone. George and Peggy paid us a visit.
    Terry’s two sisters spent a week with us.
    Frank’s family will be here for ? Easter.
    We love having visitors so you’ll come down.

  • John Lardin 12:25 pm on March 12, 2017 Permalink  


    John continues to do well with the chemo. John did have a problem with a toothache and we were fortunate to get into a dentist that same day. He has an infection under the crown and a root canal has been done on the tooth also. The tooth needs to come out but we have to get the okay from the chemo doctor before anything else can be done. He is now on amoxicillin and that has helped.

    We do keep busy. We golf with couples from Century 21 on Sunday. John is not golfing since he doesn’t want to chance mayble falling. John is my caddy??? He drives the cart and gives lots of hints since I am not a great golfer–some days good; some days bad.

    The year end party at the complex where we rent is March 21 and John is in two skits at the complex where Lee and Marian own. John has been in the C21 show the previous few years as he knows many of the people there from golfing with them.

    We will be returning to Michigan the first week in Michigan–Judy plans to leave earlier than John but we’ll see who wins. Judy would like to be home on Wednesday, April 5 as John has a doctor appointment on April 7 in Michigan.

    Please keep John in your prayers. He should be getting another CAT SCAN after appointment in April and we are praying chemo still helping.

  • John Lardin 2:17 pm on February 11, 2017 Permalink  


    Am happy to say Judy and I made it to Ft. Myers with no problems other than taking 2 nights/3 days instead of 1 night/2 days and sharing the driving which was a first. The weather has been great with very little rain and temp in the high 70s and low 80s, a big difference compared to last Jan and Feb. John health wise is doing as well as expected. His insurance (Humana) found him a chemo doctor about 5 minutes away from their condo and both of us are happy with him. John is still getting chemo as maintenance so the dosage is not as complete as originally. He gets it on Tue. then removed from port on Thur. then nothing for two weeks. This will probably continue as long as it keeps working and the tumor continues to shrink. How good it is doing will not know until he has a cat scan when he returns back to MI. Until then we ask all to continue to remember him in your prayers as they do work. John also ask for you to keep in your prayers “Little Brother” Nick and his “lovely” bride Vickie for their complete recovery.

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