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  • John Lardin 10:00 pm on August 12, 2017 Permalink  


    John continues with his chemo and other medical issues. The stint was placed in his left carotid artery on June 16th. There was over 80% blockage and the surgery was successful. Next is a routine echo gran on Aug. 15th with a follow up by the heart doctor to go over the results on Aug. 17th followed with a cat scan on the 28th of Aug. with a review of the cat scan results on Aug. 30th.Otherf than that not much more goin on though they did join Jan and Cal at Caesars Windsore on Aug. 10th to see the Tony Orlando show. Judy on the other hand had a visit to the Doctor for the spot on her cheek and it was determined to be a sun spot and will have it “zapped” on Sept. 8th. We ask you to continue your prayers for John and the chemo continues to work and the cat scan is positive.

  • John Lardin 9:06 pm on June 11, 2017 Permalink  


    Things have been good and bad for John the past month.

    May 9th John had another tooth extracted lower left, upper right saved.
    May 10th–chemo disconnect.
    May 18th–filling
    May 22nd–chemo with no Avastin due to dental work
    May 24th–chemo disconnect; ultrasound on carotid artery; left blockage, right OK
    May 24th–another visit to dentist to wire 4 lower front teeth
    May 30th–dentist for work on upper right crown
    May 31st–CTA SCAN for carotid artery
    June 1–heart doctor called–need stent
    June 5–chemo started–again no Avastin due to dental work and carotid artery
    June 6–another visit to dentist–four fillings
    June 7–chemo disconnect
    June 7–also visit heart doctor to go over CTA scan
    June 8–blood work at Providence Health Park, Novi
    June 9–Angiogram at St. Providence Southfield
    June 13th–blood work for stent scheduled for June 16
    June 15th–crown
    June 16th–stent

    As you can see we have been busy. John has changed his security question for favorite pastime of golf to going to doctor. Judy has changed her phone from 911 to assisted living. Judy told Mike and Bev, we don’t know how much more John’s body can take. Fortunately John is not a quitter, but a FIGHTER. The FUN things going on are the Anniversary party in June, a trip to Illinois in July followed by a trip to Shipshewana. We ask you to keep the prayers coming and please include the doctors as they perform miracles.

  • Brian Trachsel 8:30 pm on June 9, 2017 Permalink  


    Happy 80th Anniversary Tri-V.

    My memories of Tri-v, as a wife of past member Bill Trachsel, goes back 71 years. Bill joined Tri-v shortly after he was discharged from the army in 1945. As a non-member he had enjoyed many activities with his brother Art, before they went into the service.

    Over the years, there has been constant changes in Tri-V. The club started with five young men, graduating from high school, forming a club. They asked friends to join them and it has grown into what Tri-v is today. In later years sons were invited to join. It has continued to change so now the members include not only sons but also grandsons.

    Again Happy 80th Tri-V to all the members. You have been a big part of my life and all our family.

    Onallee Trachsel

  • Jack Schaefer 10:01 am on June 9, 2017 Permalink  

    Happy 80th anniversary to all our TriV friends… 

    Happy 80th anniversary to all our TriV friends. What an accomplishment 80 years.

    Jack & Jacqui

  • John Lardin 10:37 pm on June 5, 2017 Permalink  


    As we prepare to celebrate TRI-Vs 80th Anniversary I think back to the 50th celebration at Mackinac Island 1987. The five original Members were all there and retired and they all never thought the Club would be around. In all there comments they said “It’s time for the younger Members to step to have the Club here for the 60th Anniversary!” We did step up and now Celebraterating the Clubs 80th Anniversary. Once again it is time for the “younger” Members to step up and be prepared to celebrate the 100th Anniversary in 2023. The Club has gone from a “Members” Club to a “Family” Club. The Membership has gone from Friendly Members to Family Members. Judy and I often talked of the Members including those deceased as well as their Spouses, of the wonderful times we had and the “caring” friendship that has been maintained. As we celebrate this 80th Anniversary let all of us make this “family” friendship stronger and strive to make each future Anniversary better then the previous. Remember the 100th Anniversary is not that far away. HAPPY 80th ANNIVERSSARY TRI-V.

  • Jay Trachsel 7:48 pm on June 1, 2017 Permalink  

    Tri V has turned 80 that is quit… 

    Tri V has turned 80 that is quit an accomplishment. Happy 80TH Anniversary to all of our Tri V family. Jay and Liz Trachsel

  • Bob Kuhr 11:59 am on May 30, 2017 Permalink  

    The Kuhrs’ 2017 Western Trip Sherry and I… 

    The Kuhrs’ 2017 Western Trip

    Sherry and I left on our trip on May 12 accompanied by my brother John (aka Buddy) and his wife Linda. We drove 4,276 miles through 12 states, some of them for a very brief time (Idaho and Indiana).

    Our first stop was in Lanesboro, Minnesota. There we stayed at The Cottage House Inn, a quaint 15-room hotel in a small town off the beaten track. The next day we made a stop at the Mystery Caves where Sherry slipped on the wet iron grating and fell on her tailbone. Ouch! But she was a real trooper and kept on going, although with a good deal of pain. That day we also toured the Spam Museum in Austin, MN. It sounds hokey, but our tour guide told us the story how our armed services spread the use of Spam through Europe, Asia, and Australia. We then ate lunch at the Piggy Blues Restaurant across the street from the museum. I think you could describe Austin as pig hell.

    Our next stop was in Mitchel, South Dakota. We checked out the Corn Palace there, but we could not go inside, since it was closed the one evening we were there. However, the exterior view was impressive. Then on our way to Rapid City, we drove through the Badlands National Park. This was one of the highlights of our trip and definitely worth seeing. Just north of there is the city of Wall, where we visited the famous Wall Drugs. My impression of Wall Drugs is that it is just an oversized souvenir shop. But it may be worth the stop being so close to the Badlands. After arriving in Rapid City, we visited Mount Rushmore to view one of the most iconic sites in the nation. It’s amazing what skilled people can do with tons of dynamite. The next day, we went on a bus tour of the Black Hills. One of this areas claim to fame is the filming of Dancing With Wolves. As we left Rapid City, we stopped at Bear Country, a drive thru animal park. Sounds corny, but it was enjoyable. We especially enjoyed seeing the bear cubs frolicking about and playing with one another. This was a favorite of my bear-loving brother.

    When we arrived in Cody, Wyoming we were told that it was snowing in Yellowstone and the park would be closed for that day and the next. While it snowed in Yellowstone, it just rained in Cody. So we spent the better part of two days touring the six museums that are part of the Buffalo Bill Cody Wild West Museums. By now we saw that my brother read even more of the exhibits than I do. Finally we were able to drive through Yellowstone. It was impressive how well they had plowed as we drove on clear roads banked high with snow. Of course we saw Old Faithful erupt and the paint pots, but one of the roads was closed due to damage preventing us from getting to all the sites we wanted to see. After passing through Yellowstone, we stayed in Jackson. From Jackson we toured the Grand Teton National Park. Although it was somewhat cloudy, we still enjoyed the beauty of those majestic mountains. Just south of the park, we visited the National Animal Museum. Here we enjoyed some great artwork of the west.

    In Moab, Utah we went on a three-hour cruise on the Colorado River a very small part of which went through Canyon Land National Park. Fortunately our boat was not named the Minnow. Our guide told us that many films and commercials were shot in this area, some of them claiming to be shot in the Grand Canyon where it is very difficult to get a permit to film. The most interesting story he told was about the filming of the scene from Thelma and Louise where they drove off a cliff. The following day we drove through Arches National Park. Guess what, we saw some impressive looking arches.

    In the southwest corner of Colorado we stopped at Mesa Verde National Park. There we saw the ruins of the cliff dwellings occupied by the local Indians in the 13th century. The last major stop on our trip was Manitou Springs, Colorado just outside Colorado Springs. Here we visited The Garden of the Gods, a park containing some spectacular rock formations. We even saw a number of people scaling to the tops of these natural skyscrapers. On our way from Manitou Springs, we stopped at the Air Force Academy. At the visitor center we viewed a film illustrating the life of the cadets at the academy, which was very interesting. We also visited the chapel there. It was impressive.

    Then we started the long drive home through Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana. Upon arriving home, we all agreed that we had a great trip. I also noted that I spent more time with my brother in the last two weeks than I had in the last 50 years. Sherry and I agreed that Buddy and Linda are good traveling companions.

  • John Lardin 10:00 pm on May 8, 2017 Permalink  


    Happy to report the latest news on John is 99% good. As most know our trip home from Fl was uneventful. With us sharing the driving we made it home in two days. Part of the reason we left early is Judy’s birthday was April 3rd and I thought the perfect present was agreeing to leave early so Judy could get home to Alyssa. I was able to continue with my chemo maintenance and had a cat scan done and results indicate the tumor has reduced another 20%. Now we are at a total of close to 50% reduction in the tumor. LIVING PROOF THAR PRAYERS DO WORK. Please, please keep them coming not only for me but all fellow family, TRI-V and friends that need them for various reasons. I will be off the avastan for two treatments to allow some necessary dental work to be done. See all soon and keep the prayers coming. They do work. John and Judy

  • John Lardin 6:15 pm on May 7, 2017 Permalink  



    We have printed this before but feel it is worth repeating with all the new Mothers we have in TRI-V the last couple of years.

    … And God Created A Mother

    When the Good Lord was creating mothers, he was into his sixth day of overtime when the angel appeared and said “You’re doing a lot of fiddling around on this one…Six pairs of hands? No Way!”

    “It’s not the hands that are causing me problems,” said the Lord. “It’s the three pairs of eyes…one pair that sees through closed doors when she asks,”What are u kids doing in there?…Another here in the back of her head that sees what she shouldn’t but what she has to know. And, of course, the ones here in the front that can look at a child who goofs up and says, “I understand and I love you.” without so much as uttering a word…”

    The angel circled the model very slowly “It’s too soft,” she sighed.

    “But tough!” said the Lord excitedly. You cannot imagine what this mother can do or endure.

    “Can it think?”

    “Not only can it think, but it can reason and compromise and dream,” said the Creator.

    Finally the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. “There’s a leak,” she pronounced. “I told you you were trying to put too much into the model.”

    “It’s not a leak,” said the Lord. “It’s a tear.”

    “What’s it for?”

    “It’s for joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, loneliness and pride.”

    “You’re a genius,” said the angel.

    The Lord looked somber. “I didn’t put it there.”

  • Matt Hoffman 11:59 am on April 27, 2017 Permalink  

    Draft or Superbowl 

    As one of the few Lion’s fanatics in the club, today is a big day!?!?

    The NFL draft begins tonight. Does this increase or decrease my fandom? Will I out of nowhere go and buy the new logo wear for my team? Will Intentionally do something that will prevent me from being engaged? Too many questions for one post.

    However, with the 21st pick in the draft the Lions select …..

    We will see.

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