Updates from June, 2016 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • David Burke 11:33 am on June 30, 2016 Permalink  

    July President’s Message 

    Summer is in full swing and I am in full vacation mode. The Jay Trachsel family had a great time camping at the Pinery in Ontario last week. The kids had a blast playing together and the adults enjoyed some downtime by the campfire fending off an overly comfortable raccoon one evening.

    The anniversary party was held on June 17th at Joy Manor in Livonia. By all accounts it was a nice evening. The Tri-V picnic will be held on July 17th at Rotary Park in Livonia. I will be looking to repeat as egg toss champion, so you may want to practice.

    Until then, enjoy the sunshine and the great outdoors.

  • David Burke 10:26 pm on May 31, 2016 Permalink  

    June President’s message 

    Today we turn the calendar to June. This simple act puts a smile on the face of every child and teacher across the state. We have made it through another year. Hopefully all of my fellow Tri-V teachers, teacher aides, para pros, and other school employees have had a good year. I know you are ready to have some time with your own kids for a change. Enjoy your summer break, you all deserve it.

    The men’s open house was held in May at Beacon Hill Golf Course. Nick, as always, did a great job of organizing the event. I’d like to say that it was a beautiful day on the course, but unless you enjoy cold drizzle and sleet while golfing, you were probably wishing to be somewhere else. Once we all dried off, we enjoyed a very nice dinner and even played some cards. 

    The Anniversary party is coming up on June 17th. I didn’t see it on the club calendar of events, so I thought I’d throw in a little reminder. You should get your suit dry cleaned and start looking for your pin (P.S. it’s still on your suit coat).

  • David Burke 4:28 pm on April 30, 2016 Permalink  

    May President’s Message 

    We are inching ever closer to that day when I can safely replace sweaters and long pants with T shirts and shorts in my closet. Although we are not quite there, we have had two great days on the golf course. The golf league got underway on April 18th and my game is already in early season form. It usually only gets worse from here as the bad habits slowly start to return.

    The beginning of golf usually signals the end of bowling, and what an end it was for the old sandbaggers of Tri-V. The elder Tri-V team of Jay, Brian, George, Eric, Jerry, and sometimes Romas destroyed the competition to win their second consecutive championship. Congratulations to them.

    In April we had the final pinochle/marbles event at the Cadieux Cafe. Romas was crowned the champion of pinochle and Steve became the first ever marbles champion. He has promised to build himself a trophy (we’ll see about that).

    I hope to see everyone out at Beacon Hill golf club for the men’s open house event on May 14th. Until then; stay safe, get out in the sun, and pull some weeds (if you don’t have any weeds, come on over).

  • David Burke 10:35 am on March 31, 2016 Permalink  

    President’s Message 

    President’s Message

    April has arrived in the D. The Wings and Pistons are battling for playoff spots, the Tigers are preparing for a new season, and the Lions are thinking of new, creative ways to blow it on draft day (we need a tight end). It is an exciting time of year for sports fans for sure. The elder Tri-V bowling team will be trying to repeat as league champions this Tuesday as they roll off against some other guys. If you want to come down to the bowling alley to cheer on your Tri-V mates, Jay will buy you a beer. The younger Tri-V team will finish the year with the fewest points of any team that has actual bowlers on it. Not a good season for us. Fortunately golf season is right around the corner.

    Last weekend we had our Family Event at the Michigan Outdoor Adventure Center. I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t attend, but it sounded like the kids had a good time exploring the outdoors while being completely indoors the whole time. Final Pinochle/Marbles will be held at the Cadieux Cafe, an old Tri-V favorite, on April 17th. No Pinochle or marbles participation is required to attend.

    Thanks again to Dave for taking over the newsletter responsibilities. The website looks great! Our next meeting is April 12th at Drakeshire Lanes.

  • David Burke 1:46 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  

    President’s Message 

    Happy New Year to everyone! I hope everyone had a peaceful and pleasant holiday season. We took advantage of the vacation days and took the kids to Florida. We enjoyed the 85 degree days and got to do things we never get to do in December in Michigan like swim and play golf. We also took the kids to Disney. It was tough coming back to reality. Last weekend the council party took a tour of the automotive hall of fame and dinner at the L.A. Bistro in Dearborn. I have not heard details from the event, but hopefully a good time was had by all. We continue to play marbles and pinochle once a month giving everyone who is still here in Michigan ample opportunity to get together throughout these cold winter months.

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