Updates from December, 2020 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Jay Trachsel 1:34 pm on December 5, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message Liz and I would like to… 

    Presidents Message
    Liz and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in whatever fashion it is celebrated at your home this season. We pray for the health and safety for all our Tri V friends and their families.

    I know we are trying to decide how to handle the upcoming holiday season as I’m sure many of you are also. We are trying to weigh the desire to celebrate Christmas and New Years with family and the possible risk of doing so. While we have not yet determined what we are going to do we do know that it is going to be unlike any holiday we have ever had.

    We approach month 10 of this pandemic year we can hope that there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. The news of a vaccine on the horizon brings hope that some normalcy will be returning to our lives in the coming year.

    JUST a REMINDER to everyone to please use the club paper, text messaging and calling list as much as possible to keep the club informed of anything happening within the Tri V family.

    President Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 3:19 pm on November 2, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message I hope everyone is doing well… 

    Presidents Message
    I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.
    As I write this the election season is coming to an end. No matter whom you are voting for I’m sure we can all agree that it will be nice to not have the political ads bombarding everything we watch and read.
    As we start this 2020 holiday season we all want to enjoy the holidays with family, but the surging corona counts in all states has Liz and I have been trying to determine the best and safest way to proceed. I’m sure this discussion is taking place in many families.
    Have a great Thanksgiving and please stay safe. We’ll all pray that some sense of normalcy returns in the near future.

    JUST a REMINDER to everyone to please use the club paper, text messaging and calling list as much as possible to keep the club informed of anything happening within the Tri V family.

    President Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 11:45 am on October 2, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message I hope everyone is doing well… 

    Presidents Message
    I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. The fall season is here and we are still in a holding pattern as far as getting back to normal. I know talking to the parents with school age children and our teachers that schooling in today’s environment is challenging.
    We have started the Tri V bowling season but it is a very different feeling season so far. They are operating the bowling alley in a limited fashion with one team per set of lanes and face masking is required.
    At the September meeting 4 proposals were voted on and all 4 passed. These proposals affect Tri V’s schedule going forward. Here is the list of passed resolutions
    1. There will be no dues collected for the upcoming year
    2. All scheduled events are cancelled until at least summer of 2021.
    3. There will be no meetings held (unless it is determined that important club business needs to be discussed) until at least March 2021.
    4. There will be no election of officers in 2021. All current club officers and council have agreed to remain in office for another year.

    I will use the urgent messaging system for anything requiring a special meeting or club announcement.

    I want to remind everyone to please use the club paper, text messaging and calling list as much as possible to keep the club informed of anything happening within the Tri V family.

    President Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 1:02 pm on September 2, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message This strange hot summer has finally… 

    Presidents Message
    This strange hot summer has finally come to an end. In August we held the Tri V steak roast at Jeff and Karen’s home with I believe 12 people attending. They enjoyed the pool, good company and good food. Thanks again Jeff and Karen for opening your house for the roast.
    Tri V golf ended on Monday August 24th with the championship playoff between Mike Trachsel (1st half winner), Matt VanHollebeke (2nd half winner) , Jay Trachsel and Bill Trachsel wild card point leaders. Matt V dominated from the first to last hole with a 39 to easily win by 3.5 point to the next closest golfer. Congratulations Matt and a thank you to Dave Burke for keeping track of all point, prize and side bet money which was paid out at final golf. Speaking of final golf it was held on the weekend of August 28th to 30th at Hankard Inn near Jackson. We did have rain on Friday that caused us to only play 9 holes but we had great weather the rest of the weekend. Mike Trachsel and Matt V ran a Ryder cup format again this year and Team Dave Burke beat Team Bill Trachsel by 1 point. This format is fun and keeps things interesting right to the end. Thank you Mike and Matt for all the working putting final golf together.
    We are going to have a meeting on September 8th at Rotary Park in Livonia start time will be between 7:00 and 7:30 pm. Please try to attend as we will be discussing and voting on the dues and events for the rest of this year and 2021 winter events.
    I am recommending that dues be cancelled for next year in light of the virus’s effect on all indoor events. A vote on this and any other club actions that will need to be adjusted due to effects of covid is needed.

    Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 3:30 pm on August 9, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message The summer is slowly winding down… 

    Presidents Message
    The summer is slowly winding down and all of our members that have school age children or are teachers are grappling with how to safely return to the classroom in September.
    The Tri V picnic took pace at Rotary Park on July 26th. There were 19 adults and 9 kids in attendance. The weather was good and the kids played with water balloons and squirt guns, the older kids later played volley ball. All the adults were able to relax in the shade while catching up with how everyone is dealing with this strange summer.
    The 2nd half of the Tri V golf season ends this week and Matt VanHollebeke has a commanding lead. There are a number of people in who can still get into the wild card playoff for the season championship take place the following week. Good luck to everyone involved in the championship playoff.
    The Tri V steak roast was held at Jeff and Karen’s Saturday August 8th with a small gathering who enjoyed the pool and dinner. Thank you again Jeff and Karen for opening your house up to Tri V for a wonderful day.
    Mike Trachsel has set up the final golf courses and tee times for golf weekend scheduled for August 28th,29th,30th weekend at Hankard inn. Mike is working to set up meals and rooms as safely as possible.
    The stag committee is looking at having an outdoor event possible glow golf later in September. More information will be forthcoming. .
    All events are subject to change or cancellation as new news comes out.

    I will be setting up a club meeting for the 2nd week of September at Rotary Park. The day of the meeting will be announced in a text or email ASAP. We will discuss the past summer events and decide on what the fall and winter calendar will look like.
    I am also recommending canceling dues for next year in light of the virus’s effect on all indoor events. A vote on this and any other club actions that will need to be adjusted due to effects of covid is needed.

    Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 3:03 pm on July 9, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message I hope everyone has been ok… 

    Presidents Message
    I hope everyone has been ok and have found a new normal that works for them during this strange summer.
    The virus still has everything up in the air as far as any gathering and how to do things safely. With that thought in mind the Tri V picnic is still set for July 26th at Rotary Park. Pavilion #3 is reserved and paid for so we will push forward with a number of changes. We will hold the picnic but there will be know shared food or beverages. For anyone who would like to come to the park for an afternoon of fresh air with social distancing please bring any food and drink (will have an alcohol permit) for your own family. Families can make what they want to out of the day with safe activities available. I will have water balloons for the kids for a possible water balloon toss by family and we can also set up some games that will be individual instead of team game so the kids can be spread-out. I will also bring a kick ball and maybe a few different weight volleyballs for a kid’s volleyball game. In addition at the back side of the park there are nature trails for those who would like to take their kids for a forest setting walk.
    The 1st half Tri V golf season ended with Mike Trachsel winning the first half. We are going into the fourth week of the second half with scores improving and handicap’s falling.
    Mike Trachsel has set up the final golf courses and tee times for golf weekend scheduled for August 28th,29th,30th weekend at Hankard inn. An email has been sent out and money needs to be sent if you are planning on going. Hankard Inn is working with Mike to set up meals and rooms as safetly as possible.
    Jeff will be setting a date for the Tri V Steak Roast soon.
    All events are subject to change or cancellation as new news comes out.

  • Jay Trachsel 3:06 pm on June 14, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message I hope everyone in our Tri… 

    Presidents Message
    I hope everyone in our Tri V family is well and dealing ok with our new normal as we slowly begin to open things back up. We have been looking at upcoming events to determine which can safely be held.
    The July 26th picnic reservation for Rotary park pavilion 3 is still on the calendar. I have talked to some members with younger kids to get their thoughts on going forward with the picnic. We may adjust games and possible have each family bring their own meals if it seems wise to do so. I would like to hear from anyone who has ideas on how to best holding the picnic the safest way possible.
    The 1st half Tri V golf season ends Tuesday June 15th with many people still with a change to win. We will play 8weeks for the 2nd half with the final week August 17th being the championship playoff.
    I have talked to Mike Trachsel and the golf weekend is still scheduled for August 21st,22nd,23rd. There will be more information coming as we see how the corona virus situation is affecting things as the summer goes on.
    Jeff is working on the Steak Roast dates and planning again with an eye on what‘s happening. All events are subject to change or cancellation as new news comes out.

    Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 2:01 pm on April 29, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message I hope everyone in our Tri… 

    Presidents Message
    I hope everyone in our Tri V family is well and dealing ok in theses trying times. I want to wish returning snowbirds safe travels home.
    We have seen all events of the spring canceled and the committees for the upcoming summer schedule will monitor as new guidelines are implemented to determine if their events can be held.
    The Tri V golf season was able start on April 20th one week later than scheduled. The golf course has set up electronic payments to limit interaction of people although they were still taking cash or credit card payments. They were also not allowing carts as of yet.
    Dave is also setting up the leagues prize money and side bet money for electronic payment. If anyone needing help with this please let us know. Do not let the new payment methods keep you from golfing or getting into the prize money if you desire to do so.

    Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 12:00 pm on March 27, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message During these difficult and scary times… 

    Presidents Message
    During these difficult and scary times please stay home and stay safe. Please remember and pray for all of the doctors, nurses and other front line people who are working many hours to help keep us safe and needed supplies available. We are thinking and praying for all of our Tri V friends and families.
    We have received a message from Bob and Sherry Kohr informing the club that they are dropping out of Tri V due to their declining attendance and outside commitments. We were very sorry to get this message and we will miss Bob and Sherry very much as club members. Hopefully they will continue to stay in touch.
    Due to the Michigan guide lines the April meeting will be cancelled. I will determine if a special meeting will need to be called in the future if club business dictates. All Tri V event committees should be evaluating their events to determine when and if they should be cancelled as that event approaches. Please use the Tri V web site urgent message feature to communicate any event cancellations or changes.
    At the March meeting we had 4 people volunteer for the council. Jeff Trachsel will replace Matt Hoffman and finish his remaining one year term. Nick Angelosanto, Jack Scheafer and Dave Burke will be 2 year council members.

    Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 2:33 pm on February 28, 2020 Permalink  

    Presidents Message Tri V is losing another active… 

    Presidents Message
    Tri V is losing another active member this month due to a job related move. We have been told Matt and Christine Hoffman will be relocating to the Phoenix Arizona area. Matt has accepted a job offer in Phoenix and will be moving there in March with Christina and the kids moving sometime after school is out. I would like to congratulate Matt on the new job. Matt and Christina we will miss you very much.
    With March well underway and our poor Tigers getting ready for another wonderful season it can only mean Tri V golf is right around the corner. I can’t wait for the weather to warm so we can hit the links.
    Those of us who attended the Tri V council party on February 15th at the Farmington Players barn enjoyed a very well done funny play. The turnout was light as there was many conflicting schedules for that weekend.
    Marbles continues this month at the homes of Jack Scheafer and Brian Trachsel good luck to all players.

    Jay Trachsel

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