Updates from October, 2023 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Brian Trachsel 1:28 pm on October 17, 2023 Permalink  


    Time to play marbles again. Like last year there will not be a season long prize. We will be playing three different nights. Each night of marbles will be a standalone event. The cost each night we play will be $3.00 per person.
    Marbles will be on Saturday, November 11, January 27 and March 19. Before each of these nights we will send out a notice and request that you sign up if you would like to play. If you would like to host, you can also indicate that and if your home can accommodate children. We will arrange houses based on the number of people expected to attend. Each couple attending will bring a dish to pass.
    At this time please let the committee know if you will be playing on November 11, 2023 and if you would like to host.

    Committee text email
    Ken Stress 248-703-7712 kenandkatestress@yahoo.com
    Jack Schaefer 248-349-7359 schaeferjack@ymail.com
    Brian Trachsel 248-656-7677 traxbwt@gmail.com

  • Brian Trachsel 2:37 pm on October 15, 2023 Permalink  


    At a recent meeting it was decided that as Tri V resumes a more normal activity schedule, that we need to reinstitute the collect if dues. Dues for this year will be $50.00 for active and local inactive members. There will be NO dues for out-state and out of state inactive members. Out-state and out of state inactive members are always welcome at any Tri V event. However, if the event has a budget those members will not receive the benefit of the budget. Please pay your dues as soon as possible.

  • Bill Trachsel 12:00 pm on October 12, 2023 Permalink  

    Stag Event 

    We will once again be doing the Stag Event at Great Shots Backyard Bar and Games in Clinton Township. The event will be on Sunday, November 12th from 4-6 PM. We did not opt for the private room this year, instead we will be renting cornhole lanes in the main room. Food and beverages will be on your own. In case you were not able to go last year, Great Shots is an indoor cornhole centered sports bar. It is a great place to throw some bags, watch a game, and have a drink or two. If you can join us for an evening of fun, sign up at the October meeting or let one of the committee members know. Cost per person will be around $10 not including food or drinks.

    To reserve your spot for the Stag Event contact any one of the committee members
    John (734)564-7039
    Bill (734)658-7115
    Matt V.(734) 765-2555

  • Brian Trachsel 4:15 pm on September 11, 2023 Permalink  

    oops Check that the meeting is tomorrow which… 

    oops Check that the meeting is tomorrow which is 9/12 at 6:15 at Perfect Game.

  • Brian Trachsel 4:12 pm on September 11, 2023 Permalink  

    Reminder There is a Tri V meeting tomorrow… 

    Reminder- There is a Tri V meeting tomorrow 9/16 at Perfect Game. The meeting time is 6:16. Hope to see you all there.

  • Jay Trachsel 12:18 pm on September 5, 2023 Permalink  

    The regular season of Tri V Golf ended… 

    The regular season of Tri V Golf ended on August 14th with a playoff between Scotty (who won both season halves) Brian and Jay. Jay won the playoff by 1/2 point against both Scotty and Brian with a par, par, birdie finish. Congratulation’s to Scotty for winning both halves and Brian and Jay for making the playoff for total points. Look for a few alterations to the handicap formula next year.
    Your Commitee: Jay Trachsel, Dave Burke

  • Mike Trachsel 7:39 pm on August 25, 2023 Permalink  

    Tri-V Steak Roast Canceled 

    The Steak Roast has been canceled for this Saturday due to flooding from the storms this week. A new date will be announced if the event is rescheduled.

  • David Burke 1:47 pm on August 22, 2023 Permalink  

    Tri-V Steak Roast Reminder 

    If you are attending and have not yet signed up let Jeff know ASAP
    Tri V Steak roast will be held on August 12th at Jeff and Karen’s home (5262 Parview Drive Clarkston 48346). Dinner will be between 4:30 and 5:00pm. Come earlier (after 2:30) if you would like to swim. Bring your own place settings and drinks. Please let Jeff know if you are planning on attending.

  • Jay Trachsel 12:40 pm on August 5, 2023 Permalink  

    Reminder If you are attending and have not… 

    If you are attending and have not yet signed up let Jeff know ASAP
    Tri V Steak roast will be held on…
    Tri V Steak roast will be held on August 12th at Jeff and Karens home (5262 Parview Drive Clarkston 48346). Dinner will be between 4:30 and 5:00pm. Come earlier (after 2:30) if you would like to swim. Bring your own place settings and drinks. Please let Jeff know if you are planning on attending.

  • David Burke 10:59 am on July 17, 2023 Permalink  

    Tri-V Message System Back Online 

    Hello All,
    The Tri-V Message System is back online. Please talk to fellow members to confirm they are receiving these messages. If not, please reach out to me (Dave Burke).
    Thank you!

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