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  • David Burke 7:36 pm on October 2, 2016 Permalink  

    First Night of Pinochle 

    The first night of pinochle is scheduled Saturday, Oct. 15, 6:30 p.m. at Cal and Jan Cashman’s home.

    We have the following couples scheduled to play:

    N. Angelosanto

    G. Hoffman
    B. Trachsel
    Jeff Trachsel
    M. Trachsel
    (playing, but not in October Mackson)

    If we missed someone PLEASE contact either Jacqui Schaefer or Victoria Angelosanto.

  • David Burke 7:30 pm on October 2, 2016 Permalink  

    2016-2017 Pinochle 

    TRI-V PINOCHLE 2016-2017

    Pinochle for the season will start on Saturday, October 15. Pinochle will be played on the third Saturday of the month, unless notified. We will be playing in individual homes.
    1. Starting time will be 6:30 p.m., unless notified by the host. The host will collect and keep $3.00 per guest. The host provides cards, ice and snacks. Guests are to bring their own drinks and a dish to share for the evening.

    2. Each host will receive tallies and schedules. Hosts will number the tallies. All players will draw from the same group of numbered tallies. Your partner may be a man or woman. The number of your tally will coincide with the schedule. The schedule provides information on partners and tables. Each player will play six games. Make sure your name is on the tally. Put your partner’s number on the tally for each round. This is for checking scores, if necessary.

    3. Reneges should always be corrected if possible. If unable to correct and the bidding team is guilty, the bidder is set. If unable to correct and the renege is not made by the bidding team, then the bid is automatically made.

    4. The prize money will be based on the number of couples playing that evening. $3.00 PRIZE money will be collected from ALL players. Prize money will be distributed at the end of the evening.

    5. If a hand is opened, re-bidding is allowed. Bidding ends when three (3) consecutive passes have been made AFTER the last bid. If you pass, you may re-enter the bidding. For example, you may wish to give your partner a meld bid, if he bids after you have already passed.

    6. Guests who cannot play MUST, give three days notice to Jacqui or Vickie. If not, they will be responsible for their night’s expense of $3.00 to the host.

    7. Please notify the committee NOT the host if you need a sub

    We are looking forward to a fun year!
    Your committee: Jacqui Schaefer and Victoria Angelosanto

  • David Burke 4:08 pm on August 28, 2016 Permalink  


    If you did not sign up to play pinochle in October 15 (third Saturday) please notify Jacqui Schaefer or Victoria Angelosanto.

  • David Burke 5:44 pm on March 31, 2016 Permalink  

    Pinochle Final Scores 

    Download (XLS, 45KB)

  • David Burke 1:59 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  

    Pinochle schedule 2015 2016 

    Pinochle schedule 2015/2016


    Trachsel, Jeff

    Trachsel, Brian



    Trachsel, Mike






    2016_02 - Pinochle Standings

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