Updates from January, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Victoria Angelosanto 7:15 am on January 22, 2018 Permalink  

    January pinochle 

  • Victoria Angelosanto 4:57 pm on January 7, 2018 Permalink  

    Marbles at the Angelosanto Home 

    Marbles at the Angelosanto home was lots of fun. We hosted 12 adults and 9 children. Jay & Liz, Mike & Kristin (Benjamin, Maddie, Jonathan), Steve & Amber (Laney, Lena), Dave & Kim (Matthew, Nicholas), Matt & Christine (Timothy, Abigail). The youngest of the group were all, so well behaved. Congratulations to their parents. We were warned that the parents might be a little too rambunctious for our taste, but surprisingly they behaved, also.
    There was enough mac and cheese to feed an army and thank goodness many of the guests took some home. Nicholas was extremely happy about that.
    The future of Tri-V looks bright.

  • Victoria Angelosanto 4:40 pm on January 7, 2018 Permalink  

    January Pinochle 

    Pinochle will be held on Sunday, January 21 at the Nick Angelosanto home.

  • Victoria Angelosanto 2:47 pm on December 19, 2017 Permalink  

    December Pinochle Scores 

    1 Mike Trachsel 32
    2 Robyn Mackson 25 DP
    3 Jane Trachsel 21.5
    3 Kate Stress 21.5
    4 John Mackson 21
    5 Brian Trachsel 20.5
    5 Jack Schaefer 20.5
    5 Judy Lardin 20.5
    6 Jacqui Schaefer 19
    7 John Lardin 18
    7 Onallee Trachsel 18
    8 Victoria Angelosanto 15
    9 Cal Cashman 14.5
    10 Jan Cashman 13.5
    11 Nick Angelosanto 13
    12 Ken Stress 10.5

    Yearly totals have Mike Trachsel First 74.5, Brian Trachsel Second 72, Jack Schaefer Third 64.5, Jane Trachsel Fourth 60

  • David Burke 6:44 pm on December 10, 2017 Permalink  

    Marbles Schedule Update 

  • David Burke 6:43 pm on December 10, 2017 Permalink  

    Marbles Standings Update 

  • Victoria Angelosanto 8:27 pm on November 12, 2017 Permalink  

    November Pinochle Scores 

    November Score Payout

    Brian Trachsel 30 $7.00
    Judy Lardin 25.5 $5.00
    Jack Schaefer 23 $9.00 DP
    Kristin Trachsel 22.5 $3.00
    John Lardin 20 $2.00
    Nick Angelosanto 18
    Jane Trachsel 17.5
    Jacqui Schaefer 17
    Mike Trachsel 15.5
    Jan Cashman 15.5 $5.00 DP
    Cal Cashman 10
    Victoria Angelosanto 8.5 $5.00 DP

  • Jack Schaefer 8:04 am on October 31, 2017 Permalink  

    Pinochle was held October 15th at the Schaefers… 

    Pinochle was held October 15th at the Schaefers. Jane and Brian, Nick and Vickie, Cal and
    Jan, Jeff and Karen, Mike and Christian and family, and Jack and Jacqui. Jan was the big winner. We missed Romas and George and look forward to seeing them on the 12th of
    November. Yes the next Pinochle date is the 12th of November to accommodate the deer
    hunters. We are meeting at Jeff and Karens on Sunday at 3:30. Jacqui will call the week of the 5th to confirm you coming. Committee Victoria 734 522 5366 Jacqui 248 349 7359

  • Victoria Angelosanto 8:47 pm on October 15, 2017 Permalink  

    November Pinochle 

    November pinochle will be one week early, Sunday, November 12. Hosts will be Jeff and Karen Trachsel. All regular players please RSVP to Jacqui or Vickie. If a sub is needed we will contact from the sub list.

  • Victoria Angelosanto 8:34 pm on October 15, 2017 Permalink  

    October Pinochle Scores 

    2017-2018 OCTOBER PAYOUT

    1 Jan Cashman 26 $9.00
    1 Karen Thrift 26 $9.00
    2 Kristin Trachsel 22.5 $6.00
    3 Brian Trachsel 21.5 $5.00
    4 Jack Schaefer 21 $3.50
    4 Jane Trachsel 21 $3.50
    5 Jeff Trachsel 18.5
    6 Nick Angelosanto 17.5
    6 Jacqui Schaefer 17.5
    7 Mike Trachsel 17
    8 Victoria Angelosanto 16.5
    9 Cal Cashman 12
    Romas Bliudzius @
    George Hoffman @
    Kate Stress @
    Robyn Mackson @
    John Mackson @
    Ken Stress @

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