Updates from September, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Steve Trachsel 11:33 am on September 25, 2017 Permalink  

    October Stag Party 

    Friday, October 13th Tri-V will be hosting glow golf at Hickory Hill Golf Course http://www.hickory-hill-golf.com. We are hoping to do a 9 hole night scramble (team sizes will be based on participation). You will only need to bring clubs and beverages. Glow balls and other items will be included in your cost. Feel free to invite guests as we should be able to accommodate up to 36 guys. Please plan to arrive around 6:30pm, as we would like to do a shotgun start before 7:00pm. The course would like us to walk, but would allow us to have a few carts for those who feel they can not walk. The $35.00 cost will include your round, glow balls, glow sticks for the course and prize money. Please email Steve Trachsel (trach1s@hotmail.com) or text (586)850-0161 before October 6th if you are interested.

  • Victoria Angelosanto 9:21 pm on September 19, 2017 Permalink  

    October Girl's Club 

    Jacqui Schaefer will be hosting girl’s club on Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 1:00 pm. All women in Tri-V are invited.
    Please RSVP 248-349-7359

  • Jay Trachsel 4:35 pm on August 27, 2017 Permalink  

    Tri V 2017 Golf season 

    The 2017 golf season had a wild 2nd half finish with Brian Trachsel winning the 2nd half. Dave Burke and Mike Lewandowski beating out Dale Horst and Jerry Whitefoot for the most total points for the season to earn their way into the wild card spots and the playoffs. The season wrapped up on August 14th with a playoff between 1st half winner Nate O’Hare 2nd half winner Brian Trachsel and the 2 wild cards Dave Burke and Mike Lewandowski. Dave shot a very strong 39 to easily take the season championship and he coupled that score with Jerry Whitefoot’s lowest score for the year to easily win the final week 2 man low handicap jackpot. Congratulations to the 4 guys in the playoffs and to Dave for a great finish to the season. See everyone next year for the 2018 season beginning April 16th Your committee Jay Trachsel, Dave Burke

  • Mike Trachsel 11:24 am on August 16, 2017 Permalink  

    Final Golf Info 

    Tri V Final Golf

    August 18-20 2017

    When you arrive at Lakewood shores this weekend you will check in at the main clubhouse. If you are arriving on Friday you can check into your room as long as it is ready. Players arriving on Thursday and/or that would like to add the unlimited golf option to their package will pay for that at check in.  Otherwise you can just check in by giving them your name and there should be no charge to you. I’m not sure what the seating like is outside the rooms so you may want to bring a chair if you have room.

    Friday Golf – “The Serradella” @ 11:01 – Please try to arrive at least 30 minutes early

    Format: Individual/Choose the best drive in your group and play your own ball from there. Players will take their score, less their handicap to determine the winner. All league players are using their Hickory Hills handicap, if you don’t like your handicap, please feel free to blame Dave. All other players have been assigned a handicap, these may be way off but we did the best we could. We will be playing Closest to the Pin for AB/CD on all par 3s as well as AB/CD Skins. Prize money will be paid out individually.

     1. Jeff     Matt      John M    John C
     2. Nate G   Dave      Ken       Brian
     3. Nate O   Jerry C   Jack      Mike L
     4. Jaime    Chris D   Steve     Ben
     5. Mike T   Jim       Dale      Jerry W
     6. Bill     Jay       Scott     Ryan

    Saturday Golf – “Blackshire” @ 10:10 **Bring your bug spray
    Format: Team/Modified Better Ball – Choose the best drive in your group and play your own ball from there. The lowest three team member scores added together will count for the team score. We will be playing Closest to the Pin for AB/CD on all par 3s as well as team Skins. Prize money will be paid out per team. Tees TBD

     1. Jaime    Jerry C   Scott    Brian
     2. Nate O   Jeff      John M   Jerry W
     3. Nate G   Chris D   Dale     Ryan
     4. Mike T   Matt      Jack     Ken
     5. Bill     Jim       Mike L   Ben
     6. Dave     Jay       Steve    John C

    Sunday Golf – “The Gailes” @ 10:30. Teams will be decided sometime on Friday or Saturday.
    Format: Scramble – . We will be playing Closest to the Pin for AB/CD on all par 3s as well as team Skins. Prize money will be paid out per team. Tees TBD

  • Victoria Angelosanto 1:04 pm on August 6, 2017 Permalink  

    August Roast 

    Following are the people have RSVP’d to the steak roast on Saturday, August 26, 2 pm, dinner 4 pm. If you aren’t listed as a yes we assume you are not coming. Please let us know if you should be added.

    Thanks, Dominic 734-522-5366 or victoriadominic@yahoo.com

    YES: Nick A, John L, Jay T, Lee A, Cal C, Jeff T (1) Dale H, Romas B (1)

    NO: B Kuhr, G Hoffman, Mike T, Bill T, John M, Matt V, K Plocharczyk

  • Victoria Angelosanto 2:33 pm on July 24, 2017 Permalink  

    Steak Roast RSVP 

    If you weren’t at our great family picnic you didn’t have the opportunity to sign up for the steak roast. Would you please let Nick know at victoriadominic@yahoo.com if you are coming or not. He needs to order steaks. A reply would be appreciated. Saturday, August 26 Pavilion #3, Rotary Park Livonia. Arrive at 2:00pm / dinner at 4:00pm

  • John Mackson 4:50 pm on July 10, 2017 Permalink  

    Tri-V Picnic Google Document 

    Below is a link to a google document that will allow you to communicate with everyone about who is coming to the picnic and what dish you plan to bring to pass. Thanks!


  • Matt VanHollebeke 3:08 pm on July 9, 2017 Permalink  

    Tri V Picnic 

    The Tri V Picnic will be held on Sunday July 23rd at Rotory Park in Livonia, MI. It will be starting at 12pm with lunch at 12:30pm. There will be games for both children and adults as well as prizes for the winners. Please bring a dish to pass and don’t forget your plates and eating utensils like I always did. I realize that this is late notice so someone from the committee will be calling to find out if you will be attending.  Thanks Matt VanHollebeke

  • David Burke 2:44 pm on July 9, 2017 Permalink  

    UPDATE: August Roast (Arrive by 2 PM) 

    Saturday August 26th, 2017
    Arrive by 2:00 PM
    Dinner starts at 4:00 PM
    Pavilion #3
    Rotary Park Livonia, MI
    6 Mile Rd. Between Farmington and Merriman Rd.

    Romas Bliudzius
    Nick Angelosanto

  • Bob Kuhr 9:34 am on July 8, 2017 Permalink  

    80th Anniversary Weekend Our anniversary weekend was held… 

    80th Anniversary Weekend

    Our anniversary weekend was held at the Hankerd Inn bed and breakfast located in Pleasant Lake, Michigan, just north of Jackson. As guests arrived on the afternoon of Friday, June 23 they were greeted with a bag of goodies prepared by the committee.

    After dinner we were challenged with a game of “1937 The Price is Right”. We all longed for the low prices of that era, but certainly not the low wages, assuming if you even had a job. Then John Lardin and his band of gay thespians entertained us with an amusing skit. We have it recorded and are holding it to blackmail the troupe at a later date. This is an innovative fundraiser for the club.

    During the day Saturday, the club had its choice of golf, a Jackson Prison tour, or a visit to the Sand Hill Crane Vineyards. Sport, culture, and wine made for quite a varied day.

    After dinner on Saturday, we were inspired by the speeches of the outgoing and incoming officers. The best part of which was that the outgoing and incoming were the same persons. As was promised, the theme of the weekend was “Escape to 1937”. So, Friday evening we focused on 1937, and Saturday we went for the “Escape”. Yes, we broke up into five groups and played Escape. This is a game where you had to solve clues to escape your jail cell. Unfortunately, one team is still awaiting their parole.

    After breakfast on Sunday, Bob & Sherry led the club in a prayer service. This was ably assisted by the Tri-V Tabernacle Choir. As we began to leave, some of the younger members were discussing what we should do for our 100th Anniversary. This gladdened the hearts of some of us older members who set their sights on being there for that momentous occasion.

    Your Committee: Jack Schaefer, Brian Trachsel, and Bob Kuhr.

    P.S. We could not have done it without Jane, Jacqui, and Sherry.

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