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  • Jack Schaefer 12:58 pm on March 10, 2017 Permalink  

    Ladies Luncheon 

    Mark your calendar for May 6th, 12:00 noon, we are going to Benihana, a Japanese restaurant. It is located at 21150 Haggerty, which is one block north of 8 Mile on the east side of the street.

    If you have never eaten at a Japanese restaurant you are in for a treat.  The center of the table is a hot grill where your food is cooked. The chiefs  are actually performers while cooking the food. The food is delicious and the entertainment is great.

    You get all this for $11.00 to $16.00 a meal. It is important to be there promptly as we will not be seated till all guests are present. We want to see everyone there. Please contact Jan 248-767-9689 or Jacqui 248-349-7359 by April 22nd.

  • Jay Trachsel 1:44 pm on March 8, 2017 Permalink  

    Tri V golf 

    The Tri V golf season will start on April 10th at 4:30pm at Hickory Hill golf Mecca. The format will be the same as last year with 1 flights and 2 halves. The half winners and the 2 players with the most total points for the year point will playoff the final week for the 2017 championship. We will not play Memorial Day or July 3rd. The cost to be in the weekly points prize money will be $30 per half. You do not need to get into the points to golf with the league. Please let me know(trachseljay@att.net) if you plan to golf and also if you will be getting into the prize money. Your $30 for the first half should be paid no later then the 3rd week of the season.
    Jay Trachsel

  • Victoria Angelosanto 6:14 pm on March 7, 2017 Permalink  

    May Open House, May 13, 2017 

    Brentwood Golf Course, 2450 Havenwood, White Lake Twp. 48383, (248) 584-2662
    8:30 am shotgun start
    At the turn: Hot dog, pop, chips.
    Dinner: Hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad

  • Jack Schaefer 9:14 pm on March 1, 2017 Permalink  


    June 23/24 at the Hankerd inn in Pleasant Lake near Jackson.  It’s the 80th come and enjoy a weekend of Fun, Golf, games, Tour Jackson prison with Jacqui, etc.  Cost $225.00 per couple includes 2 nights, 2 breakfasts and 2 dinners.  $50.00 deposit required by April 1st, the remainder due June 1st.  Make checks payable to TriV and get to Brian Trachsel.  Pick rooms by order we receive deposit. More details to follow.  Please RSVP your intentions by April 1st whether coming or not.

    Your committee, Bob, Brian and Jack

  • Victoria Angelosanto 6:48 pm on February 12, 2017 Permalink  

    May Open House 

    May Open House is scheduled Saturday, May 13, 8:30 a.m., shot gun start.
    More information to follow. Nick A

  • Jack Schaefer 12:21 pm on February 8, 2017 Permalink  

    80th Anniversary Party Invitation

    TriV Ladies are invited to offer their memories of TriV at the
    Saturday evening ceremony.

    Contact Jacqui Schaefer if interested.

  • Jack Schaefer 12:15 pm on February 8, 2017 Permalink  

    Anniversary Party Escape to 1937 Weekend

    June 23/24th @ Hankered Inn in Pleasant Lake Near Jackson MI.
    It’s our 80th come and enjoy a weekend of Fun, Golf, Games, Tours etc.
    Cost $225.00 per couple includes 2 nights lodging, 2 dinners, and 2 breakfasts.
    $50.00 deposit required by April 1st. Make checks payable to TriV and sent to Brian Trachsel.
    Pick rooms by order of deposit. More details to follow.

    PLEASE RSVP if not coming to Anniversary Party by April 1st

    Your Committee Bob, Brian and Jack

  • Matt Hoffman 11:54 am on February 1, 2017 Permalink  

    Family event 

    There are initial discussions on the family event. A post is forthcoming, but will be in either March or April for planning purposes.


    Matthew Hoffman

  • Jay Trachsel 12:58 pm on January 31, 2017 Permalink  

    TriV Council Party 

    Tri V Council Party

    The Tri V council party was held on Saturday January 28th at Karls Cabin. We were late getting our tables which slowed our dinner but that was the only negative of the night. The food was good despite being served later than we thought it would be.

    The dueling piano players ( husband and wife team) were very good. They played mostly songs requested and got the audience involved.

    Bob Kuhr had a prominent role in the banter all night after he was brought on stage to help with a Snoop Dog song for his birthday. There was lots of singing and hand clapping.
    It was a fun evening the committee hopes everyone had a good time.

    We had 24 people attending and many stayed to the very end of the night. The $7 per person cover charge totaling $168 was covered by the event budget ($175) with the remaining $7 going to song request tips.
    Attendees: Couples-Jeff Trachsel, Brian Trachsel, Steve Trachsel, Mike Trachsel, Jay Trachsel, Ryan Trachsel, Dale Horst, Brett Barnes, Bob Kuhr, Jack Schaefer, Matt Hoffamn
    Singles- Kim Burke, Romas Bliudzius
    Your Committee: Jay Trachsel, Ryan Trachsel, Jeff Trachsel , Dale Horst, Romas Bliudzius, Goerge Hoffman, Nick Angelosanto

  • Jay Trachsel 1:37 pm on January 3, 2017 Permalink  

    Council party article 

    The Tri V council party is been scheduled for Saturday January 28th. We will be going to Karl’s Cabin for dinner with dueling piano’s afterward. Karl’s Cabin is a half mile north of M-14 on Gotferdson road (approx. 4 miles west of 275).

    Dinner will be at 7:30 and the dueling piano’s will play from 9 to midnight.

    Dinner and drinks will be each person’s own responsibility. The menu prices range anywhere from $11 for a sandwich to $29 for a ribeye steak dinner.

    As of January 4th we have 26 members and 1 guest signed up to attend. I will need to get a final count to Karl’s Kabin by January 24th so if you want to go or if you believe you will not be able to attend you must let me know before the 24th. There is a $7 cover charge that will be covered for the members with the guest paying the cover if the count remains unchanged.

    Please email me at trachseljay@att.net ASAP if you will be attending and have not yet signed up.

    Jay Trachsel

    January Tri V Council Party 2017.docx

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