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  • Matt Hoffman 8:50 am on April 16, 2017 Permalink  

    Family event 

    On the Saturday before Easter, 24 of us gathered at Drakshire Bowl to enjoy 2 hours of bowling and pizza and pop.

    Everyone expressed they had a good time. From the kids that were on one lane to adults on another. Children, parents and grandparents were present and having fun.

    The event came out to $6.00 for bowlers and $3.00 for others. Thank you to all who made it out and to my committee who helped make this happen.

    Matt Hoffman

  • Jay Trachsel 12:58 pm on January 31, 2017 Permalink  

    TriV Council Party 

    Tri V Council Party

    The Tri V council party was held on Saturday January 28th at Karls Cabin. We were late getting our tables which slowed our dinner but that was the only negative of the night. The food was good despite being served later than we thought it would be.

    The dueling piano players ( husband and wife team) were very good. They played mostly songs requested and got the audience involved.

    Bob Kuhr had a prominent role in the banter all night after he was brought on stage to help with a Snoop Dog song for his birthday. There was lots of singing and hand clapping.
    It was a fun evening the committee hopes everyone had a good time.

    We had 24 people attending and many stayed to the very end of the night. The $7 per person cover charge totaling $168 was covered by the event budget ($175) with the remaining $7 going to song request tips.
    Attendees: Couples-Jeff Trachsel, Brian Trachsel, Steve Trachsel, Mike Trachsel, Jay Trachsel, Ryan Trachsel, Dale Horst, Brett Barnes, Bob Kuhr, Jack Schaefer, Matt Hoffamn
    Singles- Kim Burke, Romas Bliudzius
    Your Committee: Jay Trachsel, Ryan Trachsel, Jeff Trachsel , Dale Horst, Romas Bliudzius, Goerge Hoffman, Nick Angelosanto

  • Victoria Angelosanto 7:06 pm on December 11, 2016 Permalink  

    Children’s Christmas Party 

    The first snowfall of the season couldn’t stop Santa’s sleigh. He arrived right on schedule to eighteen children’s delight. We noticed the 29 adults also seemed pretty excited to see him. As to be expected there were a few timid children, but none of them needed to be convinced to take their gifts, even if it was via their parents and not directly from Santa.
    Last year the swimming pool was full of children, but this year only the Mackson children went in. We aren’t sure if it was because of the weather, runny noses or that the YMCA no longer has a kiddie pool.
    Besides the overwhelming cookie table we had popcorn, chicken fingers and pizza. It appears there was exactly the right amount of food.
    The committee rushed the schedule a little, so those that had distances to drive could leave early. We finished closer to 3 pm, but had the facility until 4pm. To the pleasure of the committee there were a few who stayed and used the bouncer.
    Along with committee members Mike, Kristin, Matt and Christine a special thank you goes to Dale for being Santa’s helper.
    There were many, many others who stayed and stacked chairs, cleared tables, carried cartons to the van, etc. If we tried to mention them all we would miss someone. We know and we appreciate it.
    As a final note: Victoria and I have been chairing the Children’s Christmas Party for many years. We’ve had so much help from so many members that we can’t take all the credit for the successes. We’ve had many parties where the children played and did a craft. They seemed just as happy then as when we had skating or swimming. What we’ve concluded is that the children make the parties. No matter where we go or what we do they will be happy. There are a lot of little children in Tri-V now and we see many parties in its future. We loved doing it, but are happy to pass on the reigns.
    God Bless and may you all enjoy the little joys of Christmas.
    Dominic and Victoria Angelosanto

  • David Burke 10:24 pm on May 31, 2016 Permalink  

    Tri-V Golf Week 6 (2016) 

    The Tri V league golf 1st half is winding down and first place is still up for grabs. Gerry Whitefoot (Gerry bowls with the back to back Tri V championship bowling team) is leading but there are 7 golfers within 6.5 points. With a couple weeks left in the 1st half and 8 points going to low net every week it is wide open. Good luck to all golfers.

    -Jay Trachsel

  • David Burke 10:22 pm on May 31, 2016 Permalink  

    May Open House 2016 

    Thanks to the 24 golfers who showed up to golf in the sunshine, rain, hail, wind and what we call great “Michigan” weather. Scores were close except for the winning team who shot 67. The last place team shot 73. The Beacon Hills Golf Course worked with us and did not charge us for the missing golfers. Next year we will be golfing at either Beacon Hills or Brentwood on May 13, 2017, the second weekend in May.

  • David Burke 4:09 pm on April 30, 2016 Permalink  

    Tri V golf 

    The Tri V golf season kicked off on Monday April 28th with a warm sunny 78f day. We had 19 golfers play the 1st day. That’s the most people to golf on the league for many years. So far 13 people have said they will be in the prize money with a few more possibly joining this week. This will be the most people in prize money for many years, so things have started well for the season.

    Golf Committee: Jay Trachsel, Dave Burke

  • David Burke 11:26 am on March 30, 2016 Permalink  

    March Family Event 

    On Saturday March 26th we had the family event at Outdoor Adventures in Detroit, which is put on by the DNR. We had 25 people attend,13 children and 12 Adults. This is a great place for kids to run around and learn about Michigan outdoors. The different animals that can be seen in the woods though out the woods of Michigan. All the kids and the adults seemed to enjoy walking around the exhibits. After the tour 18 people went to dinner at DeLuca’s in  Garden City for Pizza and Salad. A good time was had by all.


    The Committee

    Ryan Trachsel

    Dal Horst

    Jeff Trachsel

  • David Burke 2:09 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  

    Council Party 2016 

    Tri V Council Party

    The Tri V council party was held on January 9th with 12 people in attendance. When the originally planned Rouge Plant Tour was unavailable because of plant downtime so we switched to a tour of the Automotive Hall of Fame near the Henry Ford museum. The tour started with a short film on history of the gas engine, the automobile, the start of the racing industry and making of the US highway system along with the people that contributed to the success of all. The museum focused on the people responsible for making the cars, racing and our highway system what it is today. It was interesting learning about the history behind the names from Benz to Zepplin and all the people in between.

    After the tour we traveled about 1 mile to the LA Bistro on Michigan Ave for dinner. The food and service was very good. Although the turnout was small it was a good afternoon getaway with good food and good friends. The cost of the tour was covered by the budget with each person getting $10. We used $120 of the budget and returned $80. Those in attendance were ( The Hoffman’s, Angelosanto’s, B. Trachsel’s, Stress’s, Scheafer’s , Romas and Jay Trachsel). I want to thank Nick and Vickie for all the time and effort they put into planning this event.

    Jay Trachsel

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