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  • Mike Trachsel 12:00 pm on May 1, 2017 Permalink  

    Updated Final Golf Information 

    I know we have talked to most people about this but here is the latest information on Final Golf

    We received word that Ray’s Retreat has been sold and will not be able to accommodate our group for Final Golf this year. Ray’s has been an excellent location for our group for many years now and will be difficult to replace, especially for the price we have been paying. Jeff, Brian and I have been calling around looking for a replacement venue and we think we have found something that should work really well.

    We have tentatively booked rooms and tee times for up to 32 men at Lakewood Shores Resort, “Home of The Gailes” for arrival on Friday, August 18, 2017, and departure on Sunday, August 20, 2017. , in Oscoda, MI

    We looked at including breakfast and dinner provided by the resort each day but this really added to the cost of the package. A breakfast buffet is available both mornings for approx. $14. The price is the same whether we include it in the package or not so we opted to not include it and those that would like to go still can.

    We are able to rent grills from the resort and bring our own, so we are looking at preparing dinner for the group by our rooms one or both nights.

    The estimated cost for this will be $330 which will include 2 nights hotel, three rounds of golf and up to 2 dinners cooked by the committee and volunteers.

    Anyone interested can add UNLIMITED GOLF AND CART FOR $27.00 per person.

    A deposit of $100.00 pp will be due by May 8, 2017 to Mike Trachsel or Jeff Trachsel. If you need more time on the deposit just let us know asap so we can get an accurate total.

    The current plan for golf is:

    Friday……….. 18 holes of golf and cart on “The Serradella” starting at 11:01
    Format: Individual/Choose the best drive in your group and play your own ball from there.
    Saturday ……. 18 holes of golf and cart on “Blackshire” starting at 10:10
    Format: Team/Modified Better Ball – Choose the best drive in your group and play your own ball from there. The lowest three team member scores added together will count for the team score
    Sunday ………. 18 holes of golf and cart on “The Gailes” starting at 10:30
    Format: Team/Scramble

    We will also have unlimited use of the 18 hole pitch and putt course, The Wee Links, which is located directly behind the hotel. We can also bring cornhole, washer toss etc. and play out back of our rooms.

    For anyone that would like to come in a day early or stay later, take advantage of this special for your group:
    Stay Two Nights and get the Third Nights Lodging for just $34.00 PER PERSON (plus tax) for lodging only OR
    $64.00 p/p (plus tax) for a golf package which would include lodging & 18 holes with cart on your choice of The Gailes, Blackshire or Serradella

  • Mike Trachsel 9:31 am on February 15, 2017 Permalink  

    ELECTION 2017 – Update 

    Nominations for the 2017 election of Club officers were held at the club meeting on February 14th.

    The ballot for officers is:

    President – Bill Trachsel, Mike Trachsel

    Vice President – Dale Horst, Jay Trachsel

    Treasurer – Brian Trachsel, Jack Schaefer

    Secretary – Steve Trachsel, Cal Cashman

    Election of Club Officers will take place at the March 14th meeting.


    To request a ballot contact Mike Trachsel (mtrachsel@misd.net or 586-909-3284 Cell). Completed absentee ballots must be received by the committee prior to the start of the March meeting.

    After the officer election, we will hold nominations and elections for 3 council seats. Absentee ballots will not be available for the council election.

    Election Committee
    Cal Cashman – Chairman
    John Lardin, Mike Trachsel,
    Ryan Trachsel

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