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  • Matt Hoffman 12:46 pm on April 14, 2017 Permalink  

    Easter Traditions 

    As I sit here looking at Facebook seeing colored eggs and many newer Pinterest projects that just make me feel unworthy as a father to my children, I think back to my childhood and wonder what I remember the most. I was surprised at the thoughts? and thought I would share.

    Dressing up and going to church. Where there was an egg hunt.

    Taking a family photo.

    Dinner with family, usually ham, scalloped potatoes and my favorite deviled eggs.

    Life seems to be just getting busier and more about the things of life, rather than relationships. Makes me grateful and appreciative of my extended family,  Tri-V. Hope we are able to share some time together over this weekend. Have a great Easter weekend and please enjoy family in the midst of all the other things. Mine is enjoying watching the family make a rainbow layered Rice Crispy treat using Peeps. Sharing time with you all at the family event and dinner with our family, where the traditions still hold. Bring on the deviled eggs!!!!

    God bless,

    Matt Hoffman


  • Matt Hoffman 7:43 pm on April 11, 2017 Permalink  

    Paper – Hoffman 

    Sitting here at the Tri-V meeting being reminded that we all are falling short of our responsibility as members to share our lives with everyone. Here is my convicted post.

    I was in Germany last week for three days networking and building? my career at Continental. While I was away, my wife and kids got active with her parents and went to the Wisconsin dells.  For those that may not know, the dells are the home for the most waterslides in the world.

    The trips were great fun, but started off with a new van as our old one decided to show a leaky radiator right before departure.

    April is a busy month for us, but we hope to see each of you on Saturday for the family event. For those we do not see, have a Happy Easter.

    Matt Hoffman


  • Matt Hoffman 10:37 am on March 17, 2017 Permalink  

    Family event 

    Tri-V family.

    Family event for 2017 is coming. It is going to be April 15th at 1:00 in the afternoon at Drakeshire Bowl.
    We have 2 hours of bowling, pizza and drinks for all participants.
    Money from the club will go to offset the costs of the event for the members.
    The cost otherwise is $15 per person bowling. Covers everything
    We will have food/drink for fellowship for those that do not desire to bowl for $5 per person.

    We hope to see everyone there, but also know that it is the Saturday before Easter, therefore, if you cannot make it, please have a Happy and Blessed Easter.

    For headcount purposes, if you plan on attending, can, please e-mail mshoffman26 with number of people and please state if you are planning to bowl or not.

    Thank you.

    Matt Hoffman
    Bill Trachsel
    George Hoffman

    In addition, there are a couple of other family friendly events that are no cost we would like to share.

    Easter egg hunt at Ward Church

    WardKids will host their annual Easter Egg Hunt for children ages 2 years old through 2nd grade on Saturday, April 15th at 10am. Join us for a fun morning while we sing and dance, hunt for eggs, and gather for story time with a special prize for each family.

    40000 6 Mile Rd, Northville 48168

    Spring Breakaway at Oak Pointe Church

    April 6-7.

    Home for spring break? We’re hosting two days of FREE family fun with inflatable’s, an arcade, laser tag, putt-putt, Nerf wars, games, preschool play areas, and more!

    Let your kids play while you recharge at our free Starbucks Coffee bar. We’ll also have a cafe with 50¢ snacks like pizza, nachos, hot dogs, and mini-milkshakes. Grab a friend and come for the fun!

    Drop-in Hours:

    50200 W. Ten Mile road, Novi 48375


  • Matt Hoffman 11:54 am on February 1, 2017 Permalink  

    Family event 

    There are initial discussions on the family event. A post is forthcoming, but will be in either March or April for planning purposes.


    Matthew Hoffman

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