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  • Jay Trachsel 1:14 pm on July 1, 2021 Permalink  

    The Tri V picnic is scheduled for July… 

    The Tri V picnic is scheduled for July 18th at Rotary Park pavilion #3. We will start about 1:00 with lunch beginning around 1:30. We will go back to our normal format with everyone bringing a dish to share. We will supply water only so bring your own beverages ( I will have an alcohol permit) cups, plates and utensils. The games may be pared back as we have fewer young kids. Volley ball courts are in the area and they were used by the older kids last year. If possible I would ask that people that know they are going to attend and have kids coming drop me an email or text with the number of kids and ages for game planning. Please save the date and plan on attending. The committee is currently Jay and Brian Trachsel.

  • Jay Trachsel 1:13 pm on July 1, 2021 Permalink  

    Tri V Steak Roast Jeff and Karen have… 

    Tri V Steak Roast
    Jeff and Karen have again offered their home for the Tri V steak roast. The roast will be on August 7th. The dinner will be around 4:30 to 5:00. Please bring your own drinks, place setting, and utensils. Jeff has stated the pool will be opened at 1:30 for anyone who would like come early to swim or just visit.
    Please let Jeff know if you are coming ASAP so he can order the steaks

  • Jay Trachsel 12:15 pm on June 5, 2021 Permalink  

    Presidents Message The Memorial for John Lardin is… 

    Presidents Message

    The Memorial for John Lardin is set for a 9:30 visitation followed by a 10:00 Mass on June 28th at St Mary Cause of Joy on Wayne Road in Westland. Military honors will follow the Mass.

    The Tri V golf season 1st half has two more weeks to go and points are getting harder to come by as scores have been going down. There are still a number of people in the hunt for the 1st half winner.

    The Tri V open House on May 15th at Rolling Meadows golf course went very well with great weather and good food. We had an outside setup for the food and drinks. Nick did another great job on this event assisted by Dale Horst.

    The Tri V picnic scheduled for July 18th at Rotary Park pavilion #3. We will be discussing the picnic food format and reporting back in an upcoming paper. Please save the date and plan on attending. I will be trying to get a count for attendance by the first part of July. The committee is currently Jay and Steve but I would like a couple people to volunteer to help plan and run things on the day of the picnic.

    Matt V has the golf weekend hotel and courses set for Mt Pleasant on the weekend of August 20th, 21st and 22nd. The cost will be around $375. Money is needed by July 10th at the latest.

    President Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 5:41 pm on May 5, 2021 Permalink  

    Presidents Message The Tri V golf season is… 

    Presidents Message

    The Tri V golf season is well under way and so far the weather has not been great but we have avoided any rainouts so far. The scores on the first 2 weeks were not very good and then the 3rd week there was a lot of good scores which made points hard to get.
    The Tri V open House is set for May 15th at Rolling Meadows golf course in Whitmore Lake. We will have an 8:30 shotgun so everyone needs to be at the course ready to go by no later than 8:00am. The cost is $70.
    The Tri V picnic scheduled for July 18th at Rotary Park pavilion #3. We will be discussing the picnic food format and reporting back in an upcoming paper. Please save the date and plan on attending I will be trying to get a count for attendance by the first part of July. The committee is currently Jay and Steve but I would like a couple people to volunteer to help plan and run things on the day of the picnic.

    Stay safe, Stay healthy
    JUST a REMINDER to everyone to please use the club paper, text messaging and calling list as much as possible to keep the club informed of anything happening within the Tri V family.

    President Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 5:22 pm on May 5, 2021 Permalink  

    Tri V May Open House Golf The Tri… 

    Tri V
    May Open House Golf

    The Tri V may open House will be held on Saturday May 15Th at The Rolling Meadows golf course. Rolling Meadows is at 6484 Sutton road in Whitmore Lake (north of North Territorial Rd and east of M-23).
    The price is $70 for golf and dinner prize money may be collected separately. Nick wants everyone at the course by 8:00am at the latest please try to be there earlier if possible. We will begin golfing at 8:30 with a shotgun start. Everyone bring your money and you’re a game and let’s hope for good weather this year.
    See you all at the course

  • Jay Trachsel 10:13 am on April 18, 2021 Permalink  

    GOLF a reminder to all golfers that the… 

    a reminder to all golfers that the season starts tomorrow at 4:30. Please bring your $30 for each half if you plan on getting into the yearly prize money. Side bets are $2 per category again this year. We will pay out after golf. Bring a lawn chair and beverage for at least the first night to sit around after golf if you want to. We will discuss peoples comfort level and desire to go to the VFW after golfing for the rest of the year.

  • Jay Trachsel 5:44 pm on April 9, 2021 Permalink  

    Presidents Message I was saddened to hear that… 

    Presidents Message

    I was saddened to hear that friend and longtime member John Lardin passed away in Florida on Friday April 9th. John had experienced failing health since a hernia operation in early February. John and Judy’s sons Mike and Brian were able to see John in the hospital while Larry and Johnny face timed before Easter. John was moved to Hope Hospice House near their home just after Easter.
    John will be cremated in Florida and there will be a remembrance service in Michigan at a later date.
    Our thoughts and prayers go out to Judy and the entire Lardin family. John’s sprite, laughter, and thoughtfulness will be missed by all of his Tri V friends. John had become Tri V’s soul leading prayers at meetings and events. We will miss you John.

    President Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 3:23 pm on April 9, 2021 Permalink  

    Presidents Message The Tri V golf season will… 

    Presidents Message

    The Tri V golf season will begin April 19th at 4:30 at Hickory Hills . We will play two 8 week halves with week 17 as a playoff between the 2 half winners and the 2 highest seasonal point getters for those players paying into seasonal prize money. $30 per half will be collected ASAP for golfers getting into the seasonal prize money,

    Nick has the May open house scheduled for May 15th at Rolling Meadows Teams, tee times and food if available need to be scheduled so please contact Nick ASAP to let him know if you will be golfing in the May open house.
    The Tri V family picnic scheduled for Sunday July 18th at Rotary park pavilion 3.

    Stay safe, Stay healthy
    JUST a REMINDER to everyone to please use the club paper, text messaging and calling list as much as possible to keep the club informed of anything happening within the Tri V family.

    President Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 3:13 pm on April 9, 2021 Permalink  

    Presidents Message I was saddened to hear that… 

    Presidents Message

    I was saddened to hear that friend and longtime member John Lardin passed away in Florida on Friday April 9th. John had experienced failing health since a hernia operation in early February. John and Judy’s sons Mike and Brian were able to see John in the hospital while Larry and Johnny face timed before Easter. John was moved to Hope Hospice House near their home just after Easter.
    John will be cremated in Florida and there will be a remembrance service in Michigan at a later date.
    Our thoughts and prayers go out to Judy and the entire Lardin family. John’s sprite, laughter, and thoughtfulness will be missed by all of his Tri V friends. John had become Tri V’s soul leading prayers at meetings and many events.

    We will miss you John.

  • Jay Trachsel 2:20 pm on April 7, 2021 Permalink  

    Tri V Golf 2021 The Tri V golf… 

    Tri V Golf 2021

    The Tri V golf season will begin April 19th at Hickory Hill. Our tee times are still 4:30pm.
    The season will be 2 eight week halves (unless shortened due to rain) with each half winner and the next 2 highest yearly point players playing for the seasonal championship on week 17.
    I will be collecting $30 per half (I prefer cash to make final payout easier) for people planning on getting into the seasonal prize money. We will again be collecting side bet money before golf starts. The side bets will be payed out that night after golf. You need pay the day of golf to be eligible for the side bets for that day. You can get into closest to the pin on greenies but if you miss playing on the day of golf you will need to pay for the missed week if there is a carryover from the missed week. Dave will keep a running point tally for each half and total points for the yearly play in. The season will end August 16th.

    Committee: Jay Trachsel, Dave Burke

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