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  • Jay Trachsel 1:13 pm on August 10, 2023 Permalink  

    TriV Golf The second half of golf ended… 

    TriV Golf
    The second half of golf ended August 7th and Scotty Powlas ran away with both the 1st and 2nd halfs of the season. This is the first time the same player won both halves. The final night os golf will feature Scotty playing against Jay and Brian the next 2 highest seasonal point leaders for the overall championship. We will also add a 2 player low handicap side bet for the final night. Good luck to all golfers.
    Congratulation Scotty on a dominating season.

  • Jay Trachsel 12:47 pm on August 5, 2023 Permalink  

    The Tri V golf The second half of… 

    The Tri V golf
    The second half of regular season comes to a close Monday August 7th. Scotty Powals won the first half and he also leads the second half by 1 point over Jay. The playoff for the league championship will be August 14th with 5 golfers still with a chance to get into the playoff. Good luck to all golfers still in the hunt.

  • Jay Trachsel 12:40 pm on August 5, 2023 Permalink  

    Reminder If you are attending and have not… 

    If you are attending and have not yet signed up let Jeff know ASAP
    Tri V Steak roast will be held on…
    Tri V Steak roast will be held on August 12th at Jeff and Karens home (5262 Parview Drive Clarkston 48346). Dinner will be between 4:30 and 5:00pm. Come earlier (after 2:30) if you would like to swim. Bring your own place settings and drinks. Please let Jeff know if you are planning on attending.

  • Jay Trachsel 1:52 pm on July 10, 2023 Permalink  

    Picnic Reminder The Tri V Picnic will be… 

    Picnic Reminder
    The Tri V Picnic will be held on Sunday July 16th At Rotary Park pavilion 3.
    We ask that everyone bring a dish or desert to share. Please bring your own place settings and beverages. Try to arrive around 12:30 lunch will be at 1:00. Games will follow the lunch. For parents of children if you know any outdoor games your children enjoy please contact me as we are always looking for new games kids might enjoy playing. There will be picnic tables but if you would like to bring your own lawn chair for comfort please do so. We hope to see everyone there your committee : Jay Trachsel, Steve Trachsel, Matt Hoffman.

  • Jay Trachsel 4:33 pm on July 5, 2023 Permalink  

    Tri V Steak roast will be held on… 

    Tri V Steak roast will be held on August 12th at Jeff and Karens home (5262 Parview Drive Clarkston 48346). Dinner will be between 4:30 and 5:00pm. Come earlier (after 2:30) if you would like to swim. Bring your own place settings and drinks. Please let Jeff know if you are planning on attending.

  • Jay Trachsel 4:19 pm on July 5, 2023 Permalink  

    Tri V Picnic Reminder The Tri V Picnic… 

    Tri V Picnic

    The Tri V Picnic will be held on Sunday July 16th At Rotary Park pavilion 3.
    We ask that everyone bring a dish or desert to share. Please bring your own place settings and beverages. Try to arrive around 12:30 lunch will be at 1:00. Games will follow the lunch. For parents of children if you know any outdoor games your children enjoy please contact me as we are always looking for new games kids might enjoy playing. There will be picnic tables but if you would like to bring your own lawn chair for comfort please do so. We hope to see everyone there your committee : Jay Trachsel, Steve Trachsel, Matt Hoffman.

  • Jay Trachsel 3:36 pm on June 6, 2023 Permalink  

    Tri V Picnic Reminder The Tri V Picnic… 

    Tri V Picnic

    The Tri V Picnic will be held on Sunday July 16th At Rotary Park pavilion 3.
    We ask that everyone bring a dish or desert to share. Please bring your own place settings and beverages. Try to arrive around 12:30 lunch will be at 1:00. Games will follow the lunch. For parents of children if you know any outdoor games your children enjoy please contact me as we are always looking for new games kids might enjoy playing. There will be picnic tables but if you would like to bring your own lawn chair for comfort please do so. We hope to see everyone there your committee : Jay Trachsel, Steve Trachsel, Matt Hoffman.

  • Jay Trachsel 6:36 pm on April 23, 2023 Permalink  

    The May open house at Rolling Meadows on… 

    The May open house at Rolling Meadows on May 20th will cost $75 per person for golf a drink and hotdog at the turn and dinner. There will be extra accessed ($5) for side bets. Shot gun start try to be there by 8:00am

  • Jay Trachsel 4:20 pm on April 4, 2023 Permalink  

    AT the next Tuesday meeting April11th we will… 

    AT the next Tuesday meeting (April11th) we will be voting on prospective Scotty Powals for club membership. Please try to attend.
    Jay Trachsel

  • Jay Trachsel 4:17 pm on April 4, 2023 Permalink  

    Reminder Tri V golf starts next Monday April… 

    Reminder: Tri V golf starts next Monday (April 10Th) at Hickory Hills with a 4:30 tee time. The rule and prize money will be the same. $30 per half for seasonal prize money. You can begin pay on Monday.

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