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  • Jack Schaefer 8:41 pm on September 9, 2018 Permalink  

    REMINDER: TriV 81st Anniversary Party 

    TriV 81st Anniversary Party

    September 15 at Denise’s Wixom Grill at. 6pm.
    Please be Prompt. We will be doing a Murder
    Mystery. You will be receiving in the mail your
    role and background info with costume suggestions.
    Please show up ready to play. It will be a fun filled
    evening based in the 1920’s Jazz Era.
    Cost approximately $25.00/person

    Your committee,

    Jack, Brian and Cake

  • Jack Schaefer 8:40 pm on September 9, 2018 Permalink  

    REMINDER: TriV Ladies Christmas Dinner 

    TriV Ladies Christmas Dinner is Saturday December 8th
    at 11.30. We have reservations at Cantoro’s located at
    15550 N Haggerty. An exchange present of $15.00 is
    suggested. Hope all can attend. Please contact Jacqui
    248-349-7359 or Vickie 734-522-5366

  • Jack Schaefer 6:14 pm on August 10, 2018 Permalink  

    TriV Ladies Christmas Dinner TriV Ladies Christmas Dinner… 

    TriV Ladies Christmas Dinner

    TriV Ladies Christmas Dinner is Saturday December 8th
    at 11.30. We have reservations at Cantoro’s located at
    15550 N Haggerty. An exchange present of $15.00 is
    suggested. Hope all can attend. Please contact Jacqui
    248-349-7359 or Vickie 734-522-5366

  • Jack Schaefer 6:05 pm on August 10, 2018 Permalink  

    TriV 81st Anniversary Party September 15 at Denise’s… 

    TriV 81st Anniversary Party

    September 15 at Denise’s Wixom Grill at. 6pm.
    Please be Prompt. We will be doing a Murder
    Mystery. You will be receiving in the mail your
    role and background info with costume suggestions.
    Please show up ready to play. It will be a fun filled
    evening based in the 1920’s Jazz Era.
    Cost approximately $25.00/person

    Your committee,

    Jack, Brian and Cake

  • Jack Schaefer 12:12 am on July 9, 2018 Permalink  

    Tri V Anniversary Party September 15th at Denise’s… 

    Tri V Anniversary Party

    September 15th at Denise’s Wixom Grill
    6-10pm Cost about $20.00 per person

    We will be doing a Murder Mystery based in the 1920’s.
    Everyone will be given a role (easy & fun) to play in
    the mystery. Come prepared for a fun and exciting
    evening, find out who the evil doer is!

    Please let the committee know by Aug 1st if you will
    or will not be attending. You will be receiving your
    role and instructions in the mail prior to Sept 15th.

    Thank you, and please RSVP your attentions.

    Your committee, Jack, Brian and Dale

  • Jack Schaefer 8:26 pm on June 3, 2018 Permalink  

    Tri V Anniversary Party September 15th at Denise's… 

    Tri V Anniversary Party

    September 15th at Denise’s Wixom Grill
    6-10pm Cost about $20.00 per person

    We will be doing a Murder Mystery based in the 1920’s.
    Everyone will be given a role (easy & fun) to play in
    the mystery. Come prepared for a fun and exciting
    evening, find out who the evil doer is!

    Please let the committee know by Aug 1st if you will
    or will not be attending. You will be receiving your
    role and instructions in the mail prior to Sept 15th.

    Thank you, and please RSVP your attentions.

    Your committee, Jack, Brian and Dale

  • Jack Schaefer 3:35 pm on May 6, 2018 Permalink  

    TriV Anniversary Sept 15th at Denise’s Wixom Grill… 

    TriV Anniversary

    Sept 15th at Denise’s Wixom Grill
    6pm cost about $20.00/person
    Come and enjoy a fun filled evening.
    Please let committee know if you are
    planning on attending. Yes or No!
    Your committee Jack, Brian & Dale

  • Jack Schaefer 1:00 pm on April 3, 2018 Permalink
    Tags: Anniversary Party   

    TriV Anniversary Party September 15th at 6pm Denise’s… 

    TriV Anniversary Party

    September. 15th at 6pm
    Denise’s Wixom Grill

    Please contact committee whether you’re
    Will be attending. Thank you

    Your committee, Jack, Brian and Dale

  • Jack Schaefer 5:26 pm on March 5, 2018 Permalink  

    TriV Anniversary Party 

    Save the date September 15th is the date for our
    81st anniversary Party it will be held at
    Denise’s Wixom Grill @6pm
    More info to follow.

    Your committee Jack, Brian and Dale

  • Jack Schaefer 8:04 am on October 31, 2017 Permalink  

    Pinochle was held October 15th at the Schaefers… 

    Pinochle was held October 15th at the Schaefers. Jane and Brian, Nick and Vickie, Cal and
    Jan, Jeff and Karen, Mike and Christian and family, and Jack and Jacqui. Jan was the big winner. We missed Romas and George and look forward to seeing them on the 12th of
    November. Yes the next Pinochle date is the 12th of November to accommodate the deer
    hunters. We are meeting at Jeff and Karens on Sunday at 3:30. Jacqui will call the week of the 5th to confirm you coming. Committee Victoria 734 522 5366 Jacqui 248 349 7359

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