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  • David Burke 9:57 pm on May 12, 2013 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    What an interesting week for side bets! Congratulations to Bill Trachsel for taking home $44 for the hole 3 greenie. Also congratulations to Mike Lewandowski for winning low net, it only took a 19.3 average to do so. You’re lucky the other high handicap, Romas, didn’t get in because he would have won it by almost 2 strokes. Finally congratulations to Nick Angelosanto for his sweet bogey on #1, which netted him a skin. Really guys? Really? Nobody else (me included) could even bogey #1? Yikes.

    Looks like we’ve got some good battles shaping up in both A and B flight, with small margins between 1st and 6th in each. Even the basement dwellers, Jack and I, still have an outside chance albeit smaller with each passing week.

    Good luck, and see you on the course!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 8:28 am on May 6, 2013 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Week 3 is over and now everyone has an official avg, whether it’s carryover from last year or from golfing 3 weeks this year. Therefore, everyone can now participate in the low weekly net side bet.

    Also, I’ve split the league into “A” flight and “B” flight based on current performance. The table to the right shows each person’s HDCP and its rank vs. the entire league. The top 7 were put in “A” flight and the bottom 7 were put in “B” flight. The one exception was Matt VanHollebeke who really stinks right now, but I’m not going to let him sandbag his way into “B” flight. Therefore, Nick Angelosanto was placed in “B” flight even though he was the #7 rank. Jay and I have yet to discuss the A/B flight setup so it may change, but for now it is what it is. Hopefully everyone agrees.

    See you on the course!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 11:16 pm on April 28, 2013 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Wow, great to have so many golfers in the league again! Its nice to see 4 scoresheets, maybe we can actually get 4 “foursomes” out there or even 5 groups! That would be cool. As a result, the side bets are a bit more interesting. Congratulations to Nathan on the greenie for hole 7. Everyone please save the greenie on hole 3 for me so I can win it when I come back next week.

    Sorry I wasn’t at golf last week, and unfortunately won’t be there this week either. Have fun out there, I hear the weather is going to be great!

    See you on the course!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 12:54 pm on April 20, 2013 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    What a great start to the 2013 season. Who would have thought we’d have weather in the 60’s in mid April? Of course there was snow on my porch this morning so go figure.

    We’ve got quite a few new golfers this year, which is great! As a result, it will take us a few weeks before points are official since those golfers need to establish handicaps first. Since it looks like we have at least 12 regular golfers, we’re planning to do 2 flights this year. Who ends up in what flight remains to be seen and we won’t have a decision until handicaps are established, so we’ll need 3 weeks to determine that as well. Therefore as I mentioned, the points displayed on this sheet are not official, but should give a general idea as to how you did. Anyway, let Jay or myself know if you have any comments/concerns.

    Welcome to all the new golfers!

    See you on the course!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 7:17 pm on April 13, 2013 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated (2013 Start) 

    Welcome to the Tri-V Golf League, 2013 edition! As of now, weather.com says its going to be 68 degrees which is hard to believe considering I’m looking at snow flurries out my window right now. Oh well, as always we’ll play it by ear and hope for the best.

    This year I want everyone to focus on one thing: golfing better than Mike Trachsel. This year he’s going for his 4th consecutive league championship, and someone has to stop his early sandbagging, then actually trying; er… dominance.

    Please let Jay or myself know if you’re planning to get in on the 1st half, 2nd half, or both halves ASAP so we can set up the points. My understanding is we’ll be adding some new golfers this year, so points will be up in the air for a few weeks until they’ve established averages and we can get it all figured out. Just as last year, we’ll be using 100% HDCP.

    See you on the course!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 10:30 pm on August 16, 2012 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Congratulations to Mike Trachsel, 2012 Tri-V Golf League champion! This is Mike’s 3rd consecutive championship, only one more (as far as we know) to tie Terry Connoly’s previous record of 4 consecutive league wins. Mike breezed to the title with a comfortable 1.6 stroke lead and was even able to three putt and double bogey the last hole without any need for concern.

    Also of note, Mike Lewandowski was the big money winner this week, pretty much with just one swing. He was able to take the double-greenie, a skin, and most likely low net as a result of a nice drive and resulting easy putt for a birdie finish on #7. Great job Mike!

    Finally, please let Jay and I know if you have any suggestions to make the league better and/or more fun. We’re always looking for ways to improve and we’ve already got some ideas for next year including new course consideration (currently investigating Links of Novi) and using a rolling average dating back to the previous year to help eliminate variability. If you’ve got any other ideas, please let us know!

    Hopefully I see you all at final golf this weekend, and if not, see you next year!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 8:34 am on August 13, 2012 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    This week is the final week of the season, and we have a showdown between Bill & Mike T. to win the 2012 championship. Although Mike was guaranteed a spot in the finals coming in to last week, Steve almost managed to squeak in with a tie. If Terry and Bill had golfed, it most likely would have happened, as Mike golfed like crap and Steve shot his best score of the season.

    Regardless, Mike is going for an unprecedented third consecutive championship. Previously, he’s defeated Matt V. in 2010 and Dave B. (me) in 2011. This year, he faces off against Bill and needs to win by 3 strokes as his handicap is 2.4 strokes lower. Hopefully its an exciting match, and good luck to both golfers!

    I’ll have final payouts ready for everyone by final golf next weekend, and if you’re in attendance, I’ll hand them out there. If not, I’ll give it to you the next time I see you.

    Good luck and see you on the course!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 10:44 am on August 6, 2012 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    This week is the last week of the 2nd half, and it looks like Mike has it all wrapped up again. Although Steve is not mathematicaly eliminated yet, he needs to take 6 points and Mike needs to get shut out. Even if Steve golfs very well and Mike blows it, we’ve only had 6 “in the money” golfers 2 times this half. Looks like Mike will be going for his 3rd consecutive championship.

    I’ve been looking at the scores and thinking about how to better represent everyone’s average. None of us are pros so we all go though inconsistent periods of time, which can skew our averages. For example, Jeff in the first half and Mike in the second half this year. I think it might be better to keep a rolling average of 12 scores and drop the highest 4 in order to get a more consistent average going. The rolling average would pull scores back from previous seasons, unless that golfer didn’t have any previous seasons. I have all the data to do it, but I’ll have to review in greater detail to see what the effect is.

    Finally, Bill dropped a score last week with Jay to follow after this week.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 7:07 am on July 30, 2012 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    I know everyone looks forward to not reading all the witty comments I write in here weekly, but after a 2 week layoff I don’t even remember what is going on now so this is it.

    The only real news of note is Steve, Mike L., and Matt all dropped a score.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 10:21 pm on July 9, 2012 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Wow, week 11 (week 4 of 2nd half) had some pretty low scores! Every “in the money” player shot either their lowest score, tied for lowest score, or second lowest score of the season. Ultimately, Mike took another 6 points with his season best (and one stroke short of tying a personal best) score of 34. Great round Mike! However, he’ll have a more difficult time holding on to his lead as his handicap continues to drop, now standing at 4.2. I think we’ll have a fun home stretch to the 2nd half!

    After re-adding the scores, I mistakenly told Bill he shot a 38 when actually he shot a 40. Still a great round, but it dropped him 2 places in the ranks this week, meaning Steve and I moved up one spot. Sorry Bill! I’m sure no big deal as you await your 2nd half winning opponent.

    Finally, there was some talk of having a Saturday “Trachsel Vacation” special golf day since all but 2 “in the money” players will be absent on Monday the 23rd. I think this is a fair condition considering the vast majority of the league will miss and we have always allowed people to make up time if they know they will miss. We will discuss and decide next week.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

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