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  • David Burke 10:58 am on June 16, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Last week concluded the 1st half of the season and the winners were Jay Trachsel (A Flight) and John Mackson (B Flight). Jay had the 1st half locked up so he obviously sandbagged this week, shooting 7 stokes higher than average. Nice. Mackson however, had to actually try since there was basically a 3 way race for B flight with Dale and Lew only 2 points back. Mackson had control over his eventual destiny as B Flight winner, and did not disappoint, as he finished low net for the league. Congratulations to both and good luck to everyone in the 2nd half.

    Regarding the 2nd half, here is the proposed configuration (see week 8 printout) based on current averages. This is assuming Steinhauer, Tim, Steve, and Bill will all be “in”. Starting this week, the 1st week of the 2nd half, points will be calculated using this configuration. There will still be only 4 places receiving 4, 3, 2, and 1 point just like the 1st half.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 8:10 pm on June 2, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    There were two really close scores in each flight for first and second place. In A flight, Jay edged out Jeff by 0.2 strokes to lock up A flight. In B flight, Lew was able to beat Matt by 0.3 for first. A flight is locked up, but there’s a three way battle for B flight, with Mackson in control but both Lew and Dale only two points behind.

    Three golfers dropped a score today: Jeff, Lew, and Matt.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 10:33 am on June 2, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    After some committee discussion and getting commitments from Steve and Bill, we have decided to keep two flights. This gives us five in each flight, and six in each flight for the second half. I have divided everyone into A and B flight based on their current averages. We will be awarding points to four places per flight per day.

    Since we had a rainout earlier in this half, we will only golf seven weeks in the first half. Unless there are any more rainouts, we will golf eight weeks in the second half with the A/B flight final after that. Therefore counting this week, there are only two more weeks left in this half.

    Finally three golfers, Mike T., Brian, and myself dropped a score either last time or two times ago. Jeff, Mike L., and Matt will drop a score their next time golfing.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 4:01 pm on May 12, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Cancelled! 

    Due to inclement weather, the golf league is cancelled today. I’m at the course now and can hear thunder and the radar went from bad to worse.  Sorry for the late notice, but I wanted to check it out for sure.  See you next week!


  • David Burke 11:14 pm on May 11, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    The main item of interest this week is regarding how to structure the flights/points this season. With the amount of golfers out and others not exactly committed to the 2nd half, we have 10 golfers playing for points this year. It sounds like we might add 2 more for the 2nd half, but again no firm commitments. Jay and I have discussed, but I think I’d like to get the league’s opinion about 2 options:

    OPTION 1: 1 flight and top 6 places get points weekly. This option is shown above in the current sheet.
    OPTION 1a: Same as option 1, but there are 2 winners to each half so we have 4 playing for the championship.

    OPTION 2: 2 flights and top 4 places get points weekly. This option is shown in the table at lower right. Each golfer is shown in order of their current average, which is how the flights were decided. Each persons hypothetical points are shown as well.

    Please let me know your preference before next week as I will be finalizing the scoring system at that time.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 8:34 pm on May 4, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Happy Cinco De Mayo! Looks like everyone is pretty rusty based on the scores I’m seeing last week. Either that or everyone decided to sandbag early. Anyway, looks like good weather this week so I hope to see more regulars out there.

    PLEASE NOTE (again): Flights and points are just projections until we officially know who is golfing, averages, etc. I was hoping to set by week 3, but based on the high number of missing regulars so far, maybe next week.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 7:24 pm on April 21, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Week 2 had great weather, and more golfers are coming out of hybernation. This week we had a total of 13 golfers and still some regulars are still missing. Looking forward to having a large league this year!

    Apparently good weather makes me golf well (for now), because I had a great week.

    Congratulations to Dale and Matt for their greenie, and to me for low net!

    PLEASE NOTE (again): Flights and points are just projections until we officially know who is golfing, averages, etc. Hopefully will be set after week 3.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 11:31 am on April 21, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Welcome back! 10 golfers braved the chilly, but not bad weather last week. Where were you? Anyway it looks like some of us are still getting our swing back, or maybe it was just me? It seemed like we had really good and really bad scores. Unfortunately, I was on the really bad side.

    Congratulations to Mike and Nick, for tying for low net. Nick appears to have picked up where he left off last year and Mike had his usual good start until he starts sandbagging the 2nd half. 🙂

    PLEASE NOTE: The points and flight designations are not yet official! So far I’m just using the same flights from last year. After we know who all is golfing Jay and I will rearrange the flights, hopefully after week 3.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 6:25 pm on April 8, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Starting Soon! 

    Dust off your clubs, Tri-V golf season starts Monday, April 14th at Hickory Hill golf course in Wixom, MI.  First tee time is at 4:30 PM, see you there!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel
  • David Burke 9:58 pm on August 13, 2013 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Congratulations to A flight winner, Bill Trachsel and B flight winner Nick Angelosanto!

    This is the last week of our season this year, thanks to everyone for participating! I hope it was a fun season for everyone and I look forward to seeing you at final golf this weekend and/or at the beginning of next year. As always, please let Jay or myself know if there is anything we can do to help improve the league.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

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