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  • David Burke 11:50 am on May 4, 2015 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    There were a couple errors last week. I mixed up Mike L. and Mike T.’s score and had Steve’s score incorrect. Both issues have been fixed and I have updated the previous sheets online. Sorry for any confusion.

    Looks like there were a few good scores out there last week, hopefully the weather was good. Congratulations to Steve for his big win in the skins side bet. Really? Only one skin? I think it’s the first time since we started doing skins.

    Finally, please get your money in to Jay ASAP. The cost is the same as ever, $30 per half.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 3:46 pm on April 26, 2015 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Another Monday, and another Tri-V Golf day where we narrowly avoided rain. Although the weather was not great and the winds were strong, we were able to sneak 9 holes in. Hopefully this week’s weather will be much better.

    At this point the flights are pretty much set, and the points are largely accurate. The only change that may happen after this week is regarding B-Flight points and John Lardin based on him establishing an average.

    Congratulations to Lewandowski and Steve for their hot start. Let’s hope the wheels don’t fall off as the season progresses. Also congratulations to me for winning low net.

    Unfortunately I will not be joining you all this week, so if everyone in A flight could find a way to score zero points, that would be great.

    Finally, please get your money in to Jay ASAP. The cost is the same as ever, $30 per half.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 2:49 pm on April 19, 2015 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Welcome back to Tri-V golf, 2015 edition! As is tradition, it looks like we somehow were able to sneak in 9 holes between rain clouds. As of this writing, hopefully we can do the same this week (week 2) as there is rain in the forecast again.

    Although we managed to avoid the rain it was still very windy, which is what I’m blaming my terrible start on. I’ll guess that most others will do the same except for Steve and Mike “Lew” Lewandowski, who were the only two who managed to shoot under their averages.

    Please note the A/B flight configurations and points are subject to change at this point and will be solidified when we know who all is planning to golf this year. Also, please get your money in to Jay ASAP. The cost is the same as ever, $30 per half.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 7:51 am on August 11, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    The 2nd half final was last week, with the only real race being between Mike and I for A flight. I was able to edge Mike out for the win, as he finished with a triple and a double to lose by two strokes.

    Meanwhile in B flight, John generously (unwisely?) allowed Matt to use last week’s score for this week’s B flight final. Therefore, John needs to shoot a 46 to win B flight. He’ll be golfing with the early group this week, so B flight will be wrapped up by the time everyone else is starting.

    At least there will still be some excitement, as I will face off with Jay for the A flight title. Jay will be giving me 0.8 strokes, so it’ll almost be straight up.

    Jay, Jeff, Dale, Mike (Lew), John, and Jack will drop a score if they golf this week.

    Thanks for a great season, and hope to see everyone at final golf this weekend!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 8:20 pm on August 3, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    This week is the last week of the second half, and B flight is all locked up. Matt with his “amazing” resurgence, has secured B flight by 6 points. Congratulations to Matt and good luck to him and John Mackson in the final next week.

    “A” flight is a little more up in the air. Mike and I each control our own destiny in a way. I can win by beating or tying Mike plus taking at least one point. Mike needs to beat me and take at least two points to win outright. Bill and Nick both are not mathematically eliminated but need a lot of help. Basically either one needs to take four points and I cannot take any and Mike cannot take more than one for them to stay in it.

    Last week Matt dropped a score. Mike, John, and Brian will drop a score with their next round.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 9:02 am on July 21, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Free points for everyone, woo hoo! …except Dale. …and Steve. Sorry… this is awkward.

    Anyway another nice round for Matt, who leapfrogged previous point leader, Nate, and is the new B flight leader by three points. Meanwhile in A flight, no major changes in rank were made, but Mike and I were both able to extend our lead in first and second place, respectively. Good news for Mike, not so great for me.

    Overall last week was a down week, both in number of golfers and results. Only three golfers were able to keep it under 45, with most in the upper 40’s and lower 50’s. Ouch. I’d like to say its an aberration for me, but unfortunately its becoming the norm this year. All I can say is look out when I’m hitting a lob wedge, because nobody (including me) knows where it’s going.

    With three weeks (including this week) left in the 2nd half, there’s still plenty of time to make up points and take a run at first place.

    Finally, Jay and Dale both dropped a score last week, with Jeff, Nick, Me (Dave), and Jack dropping one with their next round.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 8:17 am on July 14, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    After four weeks into the second half, the points story is starting to unfold. In A flight it’s looking like a three way race, with Mike, myself, and Nick all within 1.5 points. B flight is a little tighter but so far Nate and Matt are leading with Dale and Brian still within striking distance. Nate must have started practicing more, as he’s been well under his average from previous years. Meanwhile Brian has seemingly snapped out of his midseason funk, posting good scores the last three weeks.

    Last week marked the halfway point of the second half, so there’s still plenty of time to make a run! Barring any rainouts, we should have four weeks, plus one week for the A/B flight final.

    Finally, Jeff, Lew, and Nate all dropped a score this week. Nick, Jay, Bill, Dale, and Steve will drop a score with their next round.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 8:15 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    So come to find out, most people in B flight are a bunch of sandbaggers. This week, 6 out of 8 net scores came from B flight. The main highlighted sandbagger of the week is Matt VanHollebeke, who shot a 41 even after almost hitting me from the 2nd tee when I was playing my 2nd shot on 1. Anyway, nice job Matt.

    Several golfers dropped a score this week, including Mike, Brian, Matt, and Jack. Next week, Jeff and Lew will drop a score.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 12:19 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    No really big news to share this week except the addition of Nathan to B flight. There was some discussion about what flight he should belong in, but after reviewing his previous average, B flight was the correct choice. Welcome back Nathan!

    I dropped a score last week, and Mike, Matt, and Brian will drop a score the next time they golf.

    Hole #3 had no winner so it will be worth $12 plus whoever gets in this week.

    Good luck, and see you on the course!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 9:53 am on June 23, 2014 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Last week was the first week of the second half and with it, we’ve added some golfers, giving us seven in each flight. I’m glad to have more in each flight, as I feel it improves the competition since points are a little harder to come by.

    Several golfers dropped a score after last week, including Nick, Jay, Dale, John, and Steve. Brian and I (Dave) will be dropping a score with our next round.

    Congratulations to Brian for deciding to start golfing (sandbagger) after three horrible weeks. He and his new HDCP came back with a vengeance to win low net. Also congrats to Jeff and I, for winning greenies this week. Jeff is dialed in to hole #7! I didn’t officially check, but I think he’s hit it the last three times golfing. Nice work!

    For those who have not paid for the second half, please get $30 to Jay asap. Also please let Jay know if the “PD?” column is incorrect for your name so we can update it. It should indicate which half or halves you have paid for already. Obviously a “1”, “2”, or “1&2” denotes which half or halves for which you have paid.

    Good luck, and see you on the course!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

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