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  • David Burke 2:10 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  


    From the Lardins

    Hopefully 2016 will be a better year for John health wise than 2015 was.  His lasts bout involved his right hip.  He saw Dr. Lennox on Thur., 12, 17, and x-rays revealed he had a severe case of osteoarthritis in his right hip, back and left hip and the pain in the left hip should be overbearing though John has never had any pain on that side.  The pain on his right side was more in his thigh and it became too painful to put up with, making me hard to walk and sleep.  Back to the Doctor on
    Tues., 12/29, to fill out paperwork and have cortisone shot scheduled for the 31st of Dec.  They called on 12/30 and because of cancellations were able to do it on Wed.  The surgery was successful up to the point of a reaction that only 2% get from the cortisone shots called a cortisone slare anywhere to 24 to 48 hours after surgery. One of the effects of the reaction is 24 plus hours of pain worse than the pain before the shot.  Fortunately John did make it through the pain with a lot of TLC from Judy and is finally on the plus side of recovery.   They plan on leaving for Ft. Myers FL on Thur., 1, 7, and returning back to MI on April 12th.  Mid December had Judy and John making another trip to Corpus Christi TX to celebrate granddaughter Christine birthday leaving on Thur., 12, 10, and returning on Mon., 12, 14, along with Christmas.  The trip was good with no flight delays and no overbooking on either part of the trip. By the time most read this we will be in FL only five days late but it seems like two weeks to John.

  • David Burke 2:09 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  

    Council Party 2016 

    Tri V Council Party

    The Tri V council party was held on January 9th with 12 people in attendance. When the originally planned Rouge Plant Tour was unavailable because of plant downtime so we switched to a tour of the Automotive Hall of Fame near the Henry Ford museum. The tour started with a short film on history of the gas engine, the automobile, the start of the racing industry and making of the US highway system along with the people that contributed to the success of all. The museum focused on the people responsible for making the cars, racing and our highway system what it is today. It was interesting learning about the history behind the names from Benz to Zepplin and all the people in between.

    After the tour we traveled about 1 mile to the LA Bistro on Michigan Ave for dinner. The food and service was very good. Although the turnout was small it was a good afternoon getaway with good food and good friends. The cost of the tour was covered by the budget with each person getting $10. We used $120 of the budget and returned $80. Those in attendance were ( The Hoffman’s, Angelosanto’s, B. Trachsel’s, Stress’s, Scheafer’s , Romas and Jay Trachsel). I want to thank Nick and Vickie for all the time and effort they put into planning this event.

    Jay Trachsel

  • David Burke 1:59 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  

    Pinochle schedule 2015 2016 

    Pinochle schedule 2015/2016


    Trachsel, Jeff

    Trachsel, Brian



    Trachsel, Mike






    2016_02 - Pinochle Standings

  • David Burke 1:47 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  


    J. Trachsel
    J. Trachsel
    G. Hoffman

    B. Trachsel
    M. Hoffman
    John Mackson
    R. Trachsel

    Mike Trachsel
    B. Trachsel
    S. Trachsel

    2016_02 - Marbles Standings

  • David Burke 1:47 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  


    The nomination for the three Council Seats will take place at the Club meeting on March 17, 2015.  In accordance with the TRI-V Club By-Laws, Article IV, Officers, “A five year history of officers and council members shall be furnished to all voting members in January.”  Attached you will find the five year history list well as history of terms served as officers and council members for those eligible to hold office.  Please save the list and review it before the March meeting so you can be prepared to nominate and vote officers for a two year council seat. Your Nomination Committee Mike Trachsel, Chairman

  • David Burke 1:46 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  

    Tri-V Wives Meeting 

    The Tri-V wives meeting will be held at Dolores McMillan home Wed. Feb 2 at 1:00

  • David Burke 1:46 pm on January 6, 2016 Permalink  

    President’s Message 

    Happy New Year to everyone! I hope everyone had a peaceful and pleasant holiday season. We took advantage of the vacation days and took the kids to Florida. We enjoyed the 85 degree days and got to do things we never get to do in December in Michigan like swim and play golf. We also took the kids to Disney. It was tough coming back to reality. Last weekend the council party took a tour of the automotive hall of fame and dinner at the L.A. Bistro in Dearborn. I have not heard details from the event, but hopefully a good time was had by all. We continue to play marbles and pinochle once a month giving everyone who is still here in Michigan ample opportunity to get together throughout these cold winter months.

  • David Burke 11:37 am on August 17, 2015 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Today is the final final round of Tri-V golf, 2015. Congratulations to A flight winner, Mike Trachsel and B flight winner, Nick Angelosanto!

    This week is just for fun/warm up for the weekend. We’re planning to do an extra side bet ($4) where you will be teamed up with a random partner for a team low net. Basically we’ll add the net of you plus your partner and whoever is lowest wins the pot. We may pay 2 places depending on who is interested.

    Also please note there were no skins won so if you didn’t get in on skins last week, you owe $4 if you want in. Hole 3 greenie also has a carryover so if you weren’t in that one last week you owe $3 total to get in.

    Thanks everyone for a great season and I hope to see you at final golf in less than a couple weeks. As always, please let Jay or I know if you have any suggestions about how to improve our league.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 8:19 am on August 10, 2015 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Today is the final round of Tri-V golf, 2015. Due to my mistake in scoring, A-flight was closer than originally thought, but it turns out it didn’t matter. George was bailed out of his mediocre round by even crappier golfing by Jay (who actually had to chance to win 2nd half), Eric (collusion???), and Mike (no-show? really???). The improbable result puts George in 1st place for the 2nd half win by 0.5 points over Jeff. In B-flight, there really was no contest as Dale ran away with the 2nd half. Dale has led B-flight since week 12, almost going wire to wire for the win. Therefore In A-flight George will face off against Mike, and Dale will take on both Steve and Nick (sounds hot) in B-flight. Good luck to all the 1st & 2nd half winners.

    Brian, Jay, Steve, Matt, Bill, and Nick dropped a score last week. George, Nate, Romas, and Mackson will drop a score with their next round.

    Thanks everyone for a great season and I hope to see you at final golf in less than a couple weeks. As always, please let Jay or I know if you have any suggestions about how to improve our league.

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

  • David Burke 9:34 am on August 3, 2015 Permalink  

    Golf League Updated 

    Today is the last day of the 2nd half. A-flight is pretty much wrapped up, unless George blows it. Currently he’s up by 4 points with Jay, Jeff, and Mike all tied for 2nd. In B-flight the story is almost the same, with Dale in the lead over Steve by 4 and Nick by 5. Dont blow it Dale!

    Last week’s side bets brought in some nice jackpots. Jay won hole #3, which had a carryover and Mike was the big winner by winning the only skin in two weeks. Nice job Jay and Mike! I’m glad the skin was won on a birdie at least. If Steve would have had his buddy Shawn get in on skins, it would have been 2 weeks in a row of carryover. By the way, do a shot.

    Lew dropped a score last week. Brian, Jay, Mike, Nick, Steve, Matt & Mackson will drop a score with their next round.

    Good luck and see you on the course!

    • Your committee: Dave Burke & Jay Trachsel

    To get to the scores, click here, or go to the “golf league” page, via the link above. Please let me know if you find any errors.

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