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  • Brian Trachsel 5:51 pm on February 16, 2023 Permalink  

    I Hope This comes out better this time… 

    I Hope This comes out better this time.
    Nick Angelosanto has been volunteering at the “Eagles Helping Hands Food Bank” for some time now.

    Nick would like to invite all of you the Eagle’s Helping Hands fundraiser on April 29 at the Motor City Eagles, 24401 Five Mile Rd. Redford Township. There will be a basket raffle, tables of prizes, food, fun and a cash bar. You can buy tickets from Nick for $10.00 per person.

    If you have a donation for the baskets, please give it to Nick in March.

  • Brian Trachsel 5:15 pm on February 16, 2023 Permalink
    Tags: Eagles Helping Hands   

    Nick Angelosanto has been volunteering at the “Eagles… 

    Nick Angelosanto has been volunteering at the “Eagles Helping Hands Food Bank” for some time now.

    Nick would like to invite all of you the Eagle’s Helping Hands fundraiser on April 29 at the Motor City Eagles, 24401 Five Mile Rd. Redford Township. There will be a basket raffle, tables of prizes, food, fun and a cash bar. You can buy tickets from Nick for $10.00 per person.

    If you have a donation for the baskets, please give it to Nick in March.

  • Brian Trachsel 8:28 pm on November 4, 2022 Permalink  

    The Tri V meeting for Tuesday November 8… 

    The Tri V meeting for Tuesday November 8 is being postponed for one week until November 15. Our turn out is always small and with Tuesday being election day several members will be working the polls and unable to attend.

  • Brian Trachsel 8:24 pm on November 4, 2022 Permalink  

    The Tri V meeting for November 8 is… 

    The Tri V meeting for November 8 is being postponed for one week until November 15. Our turn out is always small and with Tuesday being election day several members will be working the polls. Also, President Mike is under the weather

  • Brian Trachsel 10:42 am on September 3, 2022 Permalink  

    The Tri V Anniversary Party is next Saturday… 

    The Tri-V Anniversary Party is next Saturday, September 10th. The evening will begin at the Ford Piquette Plant located at 461 Piquette Ave. in Detroit. Our tour runs from 2:30 until 4. The tour costs $12 per person. There is limited a/c in the building and since it still has the original wooden floors some may be uneven. If you have signed up for the tour but your plans have changed, please call or text Brian so we are not waiting for you to begin the tour.
    Our dinner reservation is at 5pm at the Detroit Shipping Company, which is located at 474 Peterboro St. in Detroit. The Detroit Shipping Company is a restaurant collective featuring six premium food truck style eateries, two bars, two retail shops, two art galleries and a stage.
    There is free parking at each location.
    See you there
    John Mackson
    Jack Schaefer
    Brian Trachsel

  • Brian Trachsel 12:14 am on July 9, 2022 Permalink  

    Correction Tri V Anniversary Party The Tri V… 

    Tri V Anniversary Party

    The Tri V Anniversary Party is scheduled for Saturday September 10 2022. The evening will begin with an optional tour of the Ford Piquette Plant. The Piquette Plant is the home of the Model T. There are several of the rare Model T’s on display. The plant has many of the original wooden floors which may be worn and uneven. The tour will begin at 2:30 and end at 4p.m. the cost is $12 per person.
    Dinner will be at the unique Detroit Shipping Company. This urban-chic hub contains 6 restaurants, bar’s, a art museum and a stage. We will be seated in our own container and can choose from any of the restaurants for our dinner. For you admission you will receive a coupon for 1 drink and 1 dinner. Our dinner reservation is at 5pm. Dinner cost will be approx. $35 per person.
    Please let the committee know if you plan to attend the tour or dinner or both. We need to complete our reservations soon so please let us know by July 25th.

    Correction—The Date is the 10th, and the name of the restaurant is The Detroit Shipping Company.

    John Mackson
    Jack Schaefer
    Brian Trachsel

  • Brian Trachsel 2:01 pm on July 8, 2022 Permalink  

    Tri V Anniversary Party The Tri V Anniversary… 

    Tri V Anniversary Party

    The Tri V Anniversary Party is scheduled for Saturday September 9, 2022. The evening will begin with an optional tour of the Ford Piquette Plant. The Piquette Plant is the home of the Model T. There are several of the rare Model T’s on display. The plant has many of the original wooden floors which may be worn and uneven. The tour will begin at 3:30 and end at 4p.m. the cost is $12 per person.
    Dinner will be at the unique Detroit Container Company. This urban-chic hub contains 6 restaurants, bar’s, an art museum and a stage. We will be seated in our own container and can choose from any of the restaurants for our dinner. For you admission you will receive a coupon for 1 drink and 1 dinner. Our dinner reservation is at 5pm. Dinner cost will be approx. $35 per person.
    Please let the committee know if you plan to attend the tour or dinner or both. We need to complete our reservations soon so please let us know by July 25th.

    John Mackson
    Jack Schaefer
    Brian Trachsel

  • Brian Trachsel 1:44 pm on March 30, 2020 Permalink  

    Final Marbles 

    The final Marbles party at the Cadeiux Café has been postponed until further notice. Whenever the Café is able to reopen we will try to reschedule.
    Stay Safe

  • Brian Trachsel 1:38 pm on March 30, 2020 Permalink  

    Tri V Club Anniversary Party 

    The Anniversary Party is being cancelled. We found out that Denise’s Wixom Grill is closing for good due to the ongoing virus disruption. They have promised to return our $125.00 deposit. Since our site for the party is no longer available and we do not know when the social distancing rules will end it, seems wise to cancel the party for now. When things get back to normal we will take a look at things and then determine if we should reschedule.
    Everyone please stay safe and healthy.

  • Brian Trachsel 9:35 am on March 6, 2020 Permalink  

    Anniversary Party 

    The Tri-V Anniversary will be held Saturday May 9th at Denice’s Wixom Grill. Planning is still in progress but ant final details will be out soon. Please contact a committee member to let us know if you are able to attend.

    John Mackson
    Jack Schaefer
    Brian Trachsey

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