Updates from April, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • David Burke 7:16 pm on April 9, 2017 Permalink  

    Paper Publication (E-Mail/USPS) Schedule 

    Hello All,

    Just a reminder of the paper schedule.

    I have made a calendar invitation as a reminder to submit articles. The reminder repeats each month on the first Saturday. If you have accepted the invitation it should show up on your personal calendar.

    I have also made a calendar invitation as a reminder/notification of when I will publish the paper via email & USPS. This event occurs each month on the second Sunday. Again if you have accepted the invitation it will appear on your personal calendar.

    Finally, the reminder and publication schedule is posted each month in the paper in the upcoming events calendar for reference.

    It looks like the articles are a little light this month, so please let me know if there is any confusion about this schedule or if there are any problems submitting articles.


  • Jack Schaefer 6:39 pm on April 9, 2017 Permalink  

    Women’s May Luncheon is Saturday May 6th at… 

    Women’s May Luncheon is Saturday, May 6th at Benihana Restaurant on Haggerty Rd.
    All are welcome please call if attending by April 29th. Jan Cashman 248-767-9689 or
    Jacqui Schaefer 248-349-7359

  • Jack Schaefer 6:31 pm on April 9, 2017 Permalink  

    Anniversary Party Escape to 1937 weekend June 23… 

    Anniversary Party Escape to 1937 weekend

    June 23/24 At Hankerd Inn

    We almost have a full house but still not to late to join us.

    Please contact the committee if you want to play golf, take Jackson Prison tour
    or do wine tasting. We need this for scheduling Thank you.

    Your committee, Bob, Brian and Jack

  • John Lardin 3:46 pm on April 9, 2017 Permalink  

    Update on John Lardin 

    We left for home from Florida on Sunday, April 2. John and Judy shared the driving. Stayed in Cartersville, GA Sunday evening and got home about 7:30 p.m. on Monday evening. Drive was uneventful except for slow down outside of Atlanta, GA and rain for half of the day Monday.

    John had a doctor appointment on Friday, April 7 and is scheduled for a CAT scan and chemo on Tuesday, April 11. The doctor in Michigan was very pleased with the report from the chemo doctor in Florida.

    No decision on hip surgery until doctor sees CAT scan and hopefully can be determined how soon hip can be done.

    Once again John was not able to play golf in Florida this year. He said his last golf outing was a round in Florida of 2016. John did caddy for Judy (drove golf cart).

    Once again thanks for those prayers but please keep them coming–they work.

  • Brian Trachsel 10:08 pm on April 8, 2017 Permalink  

    Congratulations to Coach Steve Trachsel and his Farmington… 

    Congratulations to Coach Steve Trachsel and his Farmington High School Robotics team on their win in the Livonia Churchill competition this past weekend. Good luck to the Hackbots and Coach Trachsel in the State competition this coming weekend in Saginaw.

  • John Lardin 5:09 pm on April 6, 2017 Permalink  



    Another new month and once again we have to report that Peg Wendt is still having health problems. Though she was back home and had been doing good on her therapy she had a slight setback Easter weekend when she got the U.T.I. again which seems to come on every couple of months. We ask you to continue to remember Peg in your prayers. New arrival to the TRI-V Family was Madison on April 10th to Robyn and John Mackson. Another TRI-V member has purchased a new home in FL. This time it is Kathy and Art Dushary purchasing their home in Top of the World complex near Ocala FL. They plan on renting it out next winter then retire there the following year. The Andersons, Hoffman’s and Schaefer’s were finalizing their plans for their 15 day cruise thru the Panama Canal he end of April. Judy and John Lardin made a long weekend trip to IL the end of March to visit her Mom to celebrate Judy’s birthday on April 3rd and Mom’s birthday on April 7th. They returned to MI on March 27th. Upon their return home Judy’s Mom called to let her know her Uncle, her Mom’s brother, had passed away and there was going to be a memorial service for him in Tucson AZ on April 3rd and she wanted to go. Judy returned to Mom’s on March 31st and left for Tucson on April 2nd returning on April 4th. Her Uncle was a pilot and one star retired General from the Air Force and at the memorial service the Blue Angels had a fly over. There was an article from Donna and John Clingerman about their two week visit to Africa to visit their daughter and son-in-law Jason. This years FL golf weekend for the “guys” included Jack Schaefer, George Hoffman, Terry Dunham, Lee Anderson, Nick Angelosanto, Matt VanHollebeke and Mike and John Lardin. After golf on Mon Matt flew back to Detroit to go to work and Mike flew to TX to spend the rest of the week with his brother Larry. The remaining six stayed and were met by Jacqui, Peg, Sue, Marian, Vickie and Judy for the rest of the week. We stayed at three different time shares but did meet each day and did things as a group as well as socializing in the evening. The month of March was hard on many of us with some nasty colds. The Kuhrs and Lardins had to change March pinochle as both were sick with John having pneumonia in one lung. The TRI-V Wives May Dinner was set for May 16th at G. Subu’s Leather Bottle on Farmington Rd, Livonia. The article for the 70th Anniversary Party set for the weekend of June 22nd at McGuire’s Resort in Cadillac, listed a final schedule of events with times and locations and a form for those attending to make their preference known to the Committee. Newly elected officers were President John Clingerman, Vice-President Mike Trachsel, Secretary Dion Angelosanto and Treasurer Geoff Steinhauer.


    Earl Tishler joined the TRI-V Club in 1949 and was an active member until his passing in March. We ask you to remember Earl in your prayers. Our prayers go out to Vickie and Nick Angelosanto on the loss of Rosa, Nick’s Mom, on her passing and to Art Dushary who suffered an appendectomy on March 29th. He was rushed to Monroe Regional MC at 1:30am and surgery was performed at 7:00pm. We ask you to remember the family in your prayers. Judy and John Lardin will be leaving FL on April 5th for the return trip to MI via through IL to celebrate Judy’s Mom’s 89th birthday. There were articles on Final Pinochle on April 22nd at the Cadieux Café, Detroit. TRI-V Golf 2012 to start on April 23rd at Hickory Hills, Wixom, TRI-
    V Woman’s Dinner on May 16th at Bahama Breeze, Livonia, May Open House on May 19th at Gateway Golf Club, Romulus, 75th Anniversary Party the weekend of June 23 in Chelsea MI and Final Golf August 17th-19th at Ray’s Retreat, Gaylord. There was an article on the Family Event held on April 1st in Toledo’s Imagination Station. It was attended by 20 adults and 10 children. This wraps up another trip down Memory Lane. What is the meaning of TRI-V? I look back to the 65th Anniversary Party when Mike Lardin asked to address the Club. There was silence and a special sharing by Mike thanking the Club Members, and most of all his parents, for supporting him through his personal struggles. Mike’s words seemed proper and touched all that truly reflects what TRI-V is all about. Until we see you in print next month, the Good Lord willing, take care of one another.

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